Death Star Watermelon
Made for the Ultimate Star Wars party.
If you want to make something totally evil the first thing that comes to mind is watermelon, right? Ok, maybe not but when it comes to Star Wars food anything is game.
If the idea of carving a full size watermelon is daunting, go for a mini-sized melon. You can find them at every market now and they make the perfect personal pocket-sized Death Star.
The nice thing about the Death Star is the design is circular and linear so there’s really no way to screw this up, and if you do simply add more lines.
Leave the watermelon as is or ask the kids to smash it in a display of Rebel force!

Death Star Watermelon
1 mini watermelon
Start by drawing out the concentric circles, then cutting and removing about 1/8 of the rind. Do this carefully as personal watermelons have much thinner skins than their larger counterparts.
What makes the Death Star recognizable is the circular Superlaser Focus Lens. Cut the circle out of the rind, then cut a tinier circle in the middle right up to the meat of the red melon. Add some lines going from the center out.
Finally add the linear lines in between the outer circles to complete the design.
Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL watermelon!