Just Jenn Recipes

giveaway – win Hawaiian Sun jam/jellies!

I think brand loyalty has a lot to do with good memories. I love Hawaiian Sun products. They remind me of Hawaii, the sun, the surf, the FOOD. I think back to drinking Passion-Orange juice at my inlaws house in 90+ degree heat, or my Kama’aina college roommates eating toast for breakfast with Strawberry-Guava jam. The flavors of Hawaii are strong and always take me back.

Hawaiian Sun is a brand I love and always have in my pantry, but my use of the jams/jellies goes beyond toast. I like to experiment with the flavors – from Guava-Strawberry Hello Kitty cupcakes (recipe here) to the old standard Guava Jelly Chicken (recipe here). Savory dishes totally benefit from the sweeteness and the tart fruit. I just used a jar of Mango-Pineapple Jam to make some amazing fall off the bone short ribs. (recipe here)

So I’m giving away a jar of each of my fave Hawaiian Sun jam/jellies: Strawberry-Guava, Guava Jelly and the hard to find Mango-Pineapple jam. I wanted to share these products with you since I know many Hawaii items are not readily available in the mainland. This is cheaper than a plane ride, trust me.

Just leave a comment on this post answering the question: “Are you from Hawaii/have you been to Hawaii/do you want to go to Hawaii? What is your favorite thing to eat there?” There’s NOTHING like food from the islands. From hole-in-the-walls to gourmet meals, Hawaii food is the best. If you need some help just take a look at this, I’m sure it will give you inspiration.

You have from now until Sunday the 25th to enter. Mahalo to Hawaiian Sun and good luck in the contest!

**disclaimer: Hawaiian Sun provided the jam/jelly to ME – but I am sharing simply out of the kindness of my cold Hoth heart. 😉 Shipping is paid for by me.

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giveaway – win Hawaiian Sun jam/jellies!



65 Responses to “giveaway – win Hawaiian Sun jam/jellies!”

  1. Yan says:

    Eating Dole whip is definitely my favorite thing to do there!

  2. Kim says:

    Hi, I’ve been numerous times because my Dad was from Hawaii and we still have many relatives there. I love pirie mango, but I haven’t been able to time my visits for mango season recently. (By the way, thank you for your guava chicken recipe. It’s a hit at our house.)

  3. Maria says:

    Hi Im not from Hawaii and have been 4 times. We love the Hawaiian culture my daughters’ names are Hawaiian. I want to go to Hawaii right now!!! My favorite thing there is the papaya, malsadas, the pineapple the spam… ack I can’t choose!!!

  4. Katalia says:

    My Hawai’i connections are interesting. My dad lived there on and off for years … he was a chef at the Mauna Kea on the Big Island. My mom moved there with him, and they got married in Hilo a few years later. They lived in Waimea on the Big Island when it was still a cowboy town. Then they moved to the British Virgin Islands and eventually I was born in the USVI … I was raised in Wyoming using Hawaiian words with tales of the islands. I spent my junior year at UH Hilo so I could experience some of what I grew up hearing about. Hawai’i is in my blood.

  5. Gloria says:

    I have visited the Islands many times over the years. There is nothing better then having “shave ice”. For some reason it always tastes better in Hawaii!

  6. Doris says:

    I have been to Hawaii several times – at first we thought we could only go when I was pregnant…scarey! I like the ice creams, Leonard’s and the different kinds of cookies

  7. Carole Resnick says:

    We are cruising to Hawaii in the spring of 2012. It will be our first trip to Hawaii. I hope to sample the foods native to each island.

  8. gail says:

    i’ve been to hawaii a few times. my grandparents live there so we visit them when we get a chance to. I love pickled mangoes from hawaii. also, romys shrimp shack is delicious. I prefer romys over giovannis. I always have to pick up mac nut kisses because I can only find those in hawaii

  9. Hi, I’ve never been but I would love to. I think they would have fresh fruit- that would be awesome!

  10. Liv says:

    I LOVE HAWAII! I think that my favorite thing about Hawaii is the guava juice. It is my absolute favorite thing to guzzle, and (sadly) it is very hard to find here in Denver, Colorado :(.

    PS, I really love your site!

  11. Deanna says:

    I’ve never been but I am dying to go. I love the Hawaiian products you always post about!

  12. Opy says:

    I have never been to Hawaii, but I really want to go! 🙂 Those jams/jellies sound yummy!

  13. Naomi says:

    I love Hawaii. I’ve been to Oahu and the Big Island. It’s truly paradise.
    I can name so many of my favorite foods from malasadas, shaved ice, poke and pineapple! I’m not much for hamburgers but the best hamburger I had on earth was on the North Shore. I wish I could remember the name of the place!

  14. Sharon says:

    Love Hawaii!! Favorite place to go. Love the food and people and weather. Plate lunches and Haupia cake are my favorites.

  15. Sandy says:

    We’ve been to Hawaii several times, most recently this past summer. I like malasadas, poke, oxtail soup, and Lapperts ice cream. Yum!

  16. Candace says:

    I lived in Hawaii for a summer and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. I miss it every day, especially in the Texas heat. I love poke, malasadas, and Korean BBQ.

  17. Margaret says:

    My dream vacation is Hawaii! Every good food I know comes from there because the desserts are a hybrid of American sweets and Asian recipes!

  18. Kelly says:

    I’ve never been to Hawaii but would love to visit! I love anything tropical 🙂

  19. ValApisala says:

    Wow, what a great giveaway! I search and search for the pineapple jam, but Marukai only stocks the guava ones, argh!
    My family is from HI, although I was born here on the mainland. We have family in Ewa, Waipahu, and in Waimea on Kauai. My husbands family is still back home in Samoa and New Zealand.
    We make it home to HI every year, for a month in the summer.
    Our boys dance for Nonosina here, in CA.
    HI runs deep in our blood.
    Giovanni’s, Oxtail, pork hash, manapua… it all tastes like home!
    I was so surprised to see you had HI ties, when I started following your blog a few years back. No wonder I enjoy your recipes!

  20. Alexis says:

    I haven’t been to Hawaii but I wanna go, why?? Oh because they crazy amount of SPAM and I love SPAM. Also I hear that there is a large Filipino community there, and since I don’t know when I’ll ever get to go to the Philippines this is the closest I can get to it. I also wouldn’t mind seeing the sites with the family! Also the first time that you posted about these jams, I was interested I never had them and they sound delicious!

  21. Janice says:

    My husband and I went to Maui last year and had a blast! The food is the best. My faves include shaved ice, malasadas, and fried spam musubi! My husband loves the Portuguese sausage. I also love drinking my POG:)

  22. Jen F says:

    I’ve been there – my grandmother was born & raised on Oahu so I still have family in Hawaii too. My favorite island is Kauai. I love shave ice (with peach ice cream), Kona coffee and malasadas! Fresh fish poke is always a nice treat too. Aloha!

  23. Amber E says:

    My dad was a marine when I was growing up and we were stationed in Japan several times. When we flew back and forth to the states we got to stop in Hawaii sometimes. We spent a week there and had a blast! I remember hiking with my family and taking hula classes. I would love to go back with my husband one day and have a romantic getaway and enjoy some local foods!

  24. supahcute says:

    I was born in Korea and later spent the first 2 years of my life in Hawaii. I need to go back!!

  25. caroline k says:

    yum!! i’ve been to hawaii once with my husband but we REALLY want to go back with the kids.. a few of my closest friends have lived there so i feel a connection to hawaii! we asked the rental car place guy and locals where to eat and they pointed us to a hole in the wall place near waikiki that had REALLY amazing kalua pork. anywhere else just doesn’t seem to do it justice…

  26. POG! Pineapple, orange, guava juice

  27. Kath U says:

    I’ve been to Hawaii many times. I have many favorites: Coco Puffs from Liliha Bakery, mac nut Kisses, Mochi Crunch (chocolate covered arare), Zippy’s chili, chocolate covered toffee mac nuts, anything on the menu at Da Kitchen.

  28. Caroline says:

    Yum! We just went to Hawaii this summer, and my son asks to go back every day! I ask him what he wants to do in Hawaii (beach, snorkeling, etc), and he says “eat shaved ice.” We loved Wiola shaved ice!

  29. Heather Parker says:

    I lived in Hawaii for 7 years. My dad was in the military and he had two different duties there. I miss it so much and I can remember the day we left for the last time and looking at our house and my friends as we drove away. I remember chasing and looking for geckos and trying to make mats out of the coconut leaves. I had completely forgotten about this brand until I came up on your blog and it was like angels were singing and the computer screen glowed a little more then usual 🙂

  30. Emily says:

    I went to Hawaii on my honeymoon…..we had lunch one day at a shrimp truck on the North Shore. That was a great food memory–fresh, garlickly, delicious!

  31. Sonia says:

    We went to Maui for the first time this past March. We absolutely LOVED it!! We LOVE Hawaiian papaya and pineapple and gorged on it every morning. When we came back home, I bought some here, but it just isn’t the same. 🙁

  32. Randy says:

    I’m a san-sei, 3rd generation Hawaii-born Japanese, and left Hawaii in ’72. Have been back many times and always look forward to the next trip back! Favorite foods would be a long list indeed, as I don’t think I can single out any one thing. Now living in NC, so like you described in your post about your last visit, I eat, eat, eat when I get back, too. In addition to their jams & jellies, I also love Hawaiian Sun juices and one of the first stops my kids and I make is grabbing cases of various flavors to “tide us over”, lol.

  33. Lorena says:

    I have a lot of extended family in Hawaii but haven’t been there to visit. Of course, I look forward to visiting some time soon so my son can meet his great aunts and uncles and his many, many cousins.

    As far as my favorite Hawaiian foods go, there’s plenty to love but kahlua pig and tropical fruits are probably at the top of the list.

  34. Beth B. says:

    I have been to Hawaii only once – My husband and I went to the Big Island last year. We stayed in Kailua-Kona, and I think I will always remember the fresh Bananas brought across the island from Hilo. Next up would be the lilikoi shave ice. So delicious!

  35. Leann says:

    I’m not from Hawaii, but have family ties there. I’ve visited about 6 times to date.
    There are so many foods that I love from there that it’s hard to narrow it down…..poke, pickled mango, coco puffs from Liliha, ox tail soup, shrimp from giovannis, masubi, teds chocolate haupia pie…heck even the portugese sausage breakfast at mcdonalds! 🙂

  36. Annikin says:

    I absolutely adore Hawaii. I have been to Oahu 2 summers in a row, and plan on making my 3rd trip out there next summer (and hopefully many more after that!). My heart gets all happy when I think about the weather, beaches, the aloha spirit, and of course, the food. =) One of my favorites…WAIOLA shaved ice with lilikoi and guava and adzuki beans and rice balls and to top it all off, with my favorite… a scoop of vanilla ice cream. WAIT… but I have to give a “fav food shout-out” to pancakes with mac nut sauce from Boots and Kimo too. Thank you for the opportunity to share! I love talking about food in Hawaii!

  37. I’ve only been to Hawaii twice(first as a stopover as a kid en route to the philippines, second about 5 years ago for a conference/vacation). we enjoyed the big island and stayed w/my uncle and auntie keaau for a few days. loved the spam musubi at the hilo market as well as fresh lilikoi juice. i also love plate lunches and the pies at the mcd’s there (taro).

  38. Kathryn says:

    I have never been to Hawaii but would love to go someday. I guess one food I would want to try there would be fresh pineapple.

  39. danielle says:

    i’ve never been to hawaii, but i love japanese food and i’m sure i’d love all the food! i’d especially want to try spam musubi.

  40. morgan says:

    ive never been but id love to go!

  41. Karen says:

    I grew up in Hawaii but now live on the Mainland. Favorite foods: Spam musubi from just about anywhere, Shave Ice from Waiola Shave Ice, Lemon Crunch Cake from The Alley, Chantilly Cake and Coco Puffs from Liliha Bakery, Malasadas from Leonards, Saimin from Palace Saimin, Zippy’s chili and apple napples. Food just tastes better in Hawaii!

  42. Amy Lee says:

    I’ve been to Big Island, Maui, Kauai and I love it all. The food, the lifestyle, the view. We recently just got back from a two week stay in Kauai and Maui and I gained over 10lbs from all the eating.. (Well, the eating and the fact that I’m growing a human too..) Our fav foods are the various poke concoctions, Ululani’s shaved ice, spam musubi, taro buns, etc… And all the fruit! Best papayas ever!

  43. Julie U says:

    We go to visit friends and I love shave ice and malasadas!

  44. Gen says:

    I’ve been to Hawaii about 5 times, mostly to Oahu, but once to Maui. My family and I love eating shrimp at Romy’s Shrimp Shack close to Turtle Bay. I introduced some friends to that location that tried shrimp trucks before but were unimpressed. They loved Romy’s.

  45. Jessica says:

    My sister has been stationed in Hawaii a couple of times so I visit her every chance I get. I love malasadas from Leonards!

  46. S.Lynn says:

    We went to Maui last year and are going to Kauai for Christmas this year. Our favorite thing to do is snorkel. Last year we were hit by a rogue wave (rough weather) and lost all our snorkeling gear at the bottom of the ocean (but saved the camera-whew!). This year we’ll be a little more aware of our surroundings. Only wish we could bring our doberman.

  47. Briana says:

    I have never been to Hawaii, but I would love to go there! 🙂 My favorite type of food is Italian. Any kind of pasta 🙂

  48. Jenelle says:

    I’m from Kauai and nothing beats a Puka Dog. Hot dog cooked inside Hawaiian bread with a variety of relishes like mango and papaya and lilikoi mustard.

    I will, however, go nowhere near poi.

  49. salley says:

    I’m California raised but my heart is in Hawai’i. I visit about twice a year when I can. My favorite thing to eat is a poke bowl from ono seafood; half hawaiian style half spicy ahi (can’t beat a big bowl of poke and soda for $6). Oh and coco pulls from liliha bakery.. can’t forget about those crack balls, lol. There is so much great food on the island but I can say those two are my all time favorites. Thanks for hosting a giveaway 😀

  50. boosauraus says:

    I have never been to Hawaii (raised in CA), but I want to go! I’ve tried a few small random Hawaiian things over the years, but definitely want to try more!

  51. Tonya says:

    I went to Kauai this August for my brothers wedding. It bad beautiful. The best thing i ate over there was the lychee ribs and the california style poke.

  52. Xenia says:

    Technically I have been to Hawaii, laid over on flights to my island Guam or heading to the Philippines or the Mainland ;x I would LOVEEEEEEE to visit Hawaii and probably will in the future. I really want a plate lunch. We have similar in Guam but I want Hawaiian style. MMM! I also want fresh malasadas, chocolate coconut haupia pie and more #DROOL

  53. tami takamine says:

    mmmm….i love those jellies! my in-laws live in hawaii, and our faves are the mac nut pancakes at boots and kimo’s (love the sauce – have recipe for that?) and the poke 🙂

  54. CynthiaR says:

    Went to the the Islands for our honeymoon and we can hardly wait to go back! I want to check out the shrimp trucks on the North Shore and some shave ice.

  55. Yoko says:

    I’ve wanted to go to Hawaii ever since I was little, but I haven’t yet had the chance.

    Those jams and jellies look delicious. I want to try so many foods in Hawaii– poke, lomi salmon, kalua pig, saimin, butter mochi. Seriously– if/when I ever go, the first thing I do before anything else is to get a plate lunch.

  56. Staci A says:

    I’ve always wanted to go, but haven’t had a chance yet. I’m sure if we did go, food would be a big part of our trip!

  57. Shanon R. says:

    I have never been, but desperately want to go. My husband’s family is from Hawai’i and still has family in Hilo and Honalulu. We hope to be able to go visit them sometime. Food is one of the things we’re looking forward to trying – so hard to find good Hawaiian food around here!

  58. Kim says:

    I was just looking at those in the store today! I have been to Hawaii once and it was GREAT! I would love to go back (but our next vacation location is not up to me, so who knows when I will go again). My favorite food I had there was the purple bread that the hotel had and the food at the Polynesian Cultural Center!

  59. nazeera says:

    I went to the Big Island for my honeymoon three years ago…but also frequent Hawaii in my mind whenever I need to mentally go back to a happy place (often…sigh) I loved the coconut shrimp and shaved ice at all the little shacks there.


  60. Beth says:

    I love Hawaii! One of my favorite things to eat is the miso butterfish from Sansei!

  61. Carrie A says:

    I’m from Hawaii.. now living on the 9th island haha.. but I grew up with Hawaiian Sun’s guava jelly and jam! MmM Ono!!!! Been a while….gonna have to try your recipes! Thank you!

  62. Debi says:

    My dad’s from Oahu. Much aloha for the island. Met my husband of 13 years there. Been awhile since we have been back to see our family. Love Hawaiian Sun jelly so ono.

  63. Bee M. says:

    loooove hawaii, my sister used to live there for 8 years and we loved having an excuse to visit. planning to go next year, hopefully, it’s been 4 years since our last visit. love macadamia nut pancakes from gazebo in maui and furikake coated seared ahi tuna from nico’s at pier 38 on oahu. oh, and shave ice, of course!

  64. renee says:

    We lived in Hawaii for 4 years in the ’90’s. I would move back there in a heartbeat. One of my favorite things was a mahi mahi plate lunch at a little shop up the street from where I worked in Aiea. (and a pineapple smoothie from the first aid station at ala moana – is it still there?)

  65. Bubbles says:

    My parents just moved to Hawaii. Is it sad that I’m glad they moved just so I have an excuse to go?

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