Just Jenn Recipes

Guri Guri ice cream

A Hawaii favorite second only to shave ice, Guri Guri ice cream is an old time treat. The best makers of this island dessert is Tasaka Guri-Guri on Maui. I have fond memories of eating this as a kid, the icy coolness and smooth creaminess all in one made the hot weather seem to disappear. After I finished the first one I immediately wanted a second one.

Years later whenever I go back to Maui it’s the first stop I hit when I get off the plane. Then I usually spend the rest of my trip trying my best to convince everyone I’m traveling with to go back as many times as possible.

Recreating this recipe is easy because there’s just three ingredients, and it’s fun to make with kids because there’s minimal clean up and no ice cream maker necessary!

While the traditional flavors are orange and strawberry, I make mine with just orange soda because the combination reminds me of a Creamsicle but feel free to mix it up and see what you come up with.

Even if you can’t take a Hawaiian vacation, you can beat the heat with this summertime recipe.

Hawaii Guri Guri Ice Cream

Guri Guri ice cream


2 cans (12 oz) orange soda
1 can (12 oz) 7-UP
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk


In a medium bowl, stir together the sodas and the condensed milk. Let sit until the foam settles down.

Once the condensed milk is dissolved pour the mixture into cups.

Freeze mixture until firm and serve.

Guri Guri Ice Cream prep

15 Responses to “Guri Guri ice cream”

  1. Nanette says:

    YUM! Even I couldn’t mess that up!

  2. Jenna Z says:

    Why is 12 ounces of orange soda 2 cans but 12 ounces of 7-up is one can? Are your measurements off?

  3. justJENN says:

    Sorry, my typing gets the best of me late at night. It’s 2 cans of soda and 1 can of 7-up!

  4. anne says:

    ohhh man. I love me some condensed milk!

  5. These look so delicious and easy to make. I know my kids will like these for sure!

  6. jenn says:

    oo yumm! i can just imagine the creamy sweetness… I’ll be sure to give this a try! (too bad summer is coming to a close soon) 🙁

  7. NomsNotBombs says:

    God, I love guri guri 🙂

  8. Lori says:

    Jenn – How many servings will this ratio make? I’m attempting to make this at school and I want to have enough! 🙂

    thanks a bunch,

  9. justJENN says:

    It depends on the size of the containers you use. I used very small 4oz cups so I got about 10-12 servings. Larger cups will give you less.

  10. Irene says:

    Jenn, is there any way to make this less icy just like the guri guri at Tasaka’s in Maui? Wondering if you had any suggestions. It’s a good recipe, but I was just wondering if there were any modifications that you may have tried.

  11. justJENN says:

    I wish! Theirs is the BEST. And a secret recipe. I’m sure there’s crack in there. 😉

  12. Irene says:

    Okay, thanks!! The husband and I will keep trying. His interest is renewed since we just returned from Maui and man, oh man, I lost count of how many trips we made to Tasaka Guri Guri!

  13. Ina Antonio says:

    I’ve been perfecting this recipe for as long as I can remember. Using less soda and more milk, makes it less icy.

    12 oz can condensed milk
    14 oz evaporated milk
    8 oz Pineapple or Strawberry Guave juice
    10 oz carbonated water

    Mix all ingredients together into a metal baking dish. Freeze until slushy. Stir the mixture and them return to freezer until frozen

  14. Kimi says:

    I love to make these but how can you make it look blue when done?

  15. justJENN says:

    You have to use blue soda.

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