Just Jenn Recipes

Tag: pasta

Broken Lasagna

Sometimes grocery baggers get over eager. I’m talking to you, dude who put my eggs on the BOTTOM of all my groceries. Sigh. But I came up with a good… Continue Reading »

Lasagna Rolls

Sometimes everyday dinner dullness can set in, Kids may love the flavors of a dish but can easily get bored if it’s served to them every week. Lasagna is a… Continue Reading »

Mac ‘n’ Cheese

This is my basic Mac ‘n’ Cheese recipe. It’s pretty verastile in that you can use it o make even more dishes. Expand your idea of mac ‘n’ cheese! Lean… Continue Reading »

Ricotta Bake

A nice warm tray of pasta, there’s nothing like it. And if you get all the components together you can get your kids in on the action! There’s nothing like… Continue Reading »

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