Just Jenn Recipes

Frozen Tiramisu Terrine

Frozen Tiramisu Terrine
I love tiramisu, but am not a fan of the alcohol. Crazy, I know. So I thought I’d make one up that really pushed the coffee flavor and also incorporated ice cream, because who doesn’t love ice cream?

I had lady fingers left over from when I made the Christmas Trifle, so I went and picked up some marscapone cheese. I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do, I kind of developed this recipe on the fly. What came about was a delicious concoction similar to an ice cream bombe, sorta like a tiramisu, but without the alcohol.

This is a great recipe for parties. People love cold desserts. Even in winter.

1 (8 oz) container marscapone cheese
½ cup confectioner’s sugar
3 Tablespoons strong coffee
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream

1 box ladyfingers
1 cup strong coffee

Let’s talk coffee. Now if you are in a pinch, and don’t have brewed coffee, don’t sweat it. Just use instant, but use 3 HEAPING tablespoons to one cup of water. We want it STRONG here. Save the rest of the coffee for later.

As for the ice cream, my preference is always to make my own. Not everyone wants to do this, which I can understand. If you must buy ice cream the only brand I ever recommend is Double Rainbow. The texture, consistency, flavor, is everything you’d ever want from an ice cream. And at Trader Joe’s, it’s inexpensive.

Mix together the marscapone cheese, sugar and the coffee. Mix well, until it’s a nice tan-ish brown.

Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap. Dunk ½ of the ladyfingers, one by one, in the strong coffee, and line the outside of the pan. Do the bottom as well – which will end up being the top. So you might wanna be not so sloppy about it, eh lazy?

Pour some of the marscapone mixture on the bottom, then layer with ice cream, some dunked ladyfingers, over and over until you reach the top. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze.

Frozen Tiramisu Terrine

Once ready to serve, pull it out by the lined plastic wrap and invert onto a plate. Slice as you would a cake. Your friends will be impressed, when frankly, you didn’t do jack.
Frozen Tiramisu Terrine

Frozen Tiramisu Terrine



4 Responses to “Frozen Tiramisu Terrine”

  1. Roni says:

    I can’t believe this recipe came out of your head. It is UNBELIEVABLE!!! And seems so simple, I think I may actually be able to pull it off!!

    Thanks so much!!!

  2. sizzle says:

    that sounds delicious. i’m so making this! thanks!

  3. joyce says:

    mmmm. looks good!

  4. ooooohhh, fantastic! I’m definitely making it this weekend. No friend is coming home, but looks good enough for hubby and me. We deserve it for sure!

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