How To Avoid Comic-Con Flu
You know how it goes, you have a great weekend at a Comic-Con, you’re looking over the photos you took, separating all your swag – then you feel it. The telltale itchy throat. Your eyes are a little too puffy. It’s too late. You’ve got it. Con Flu, Con Plague, Con Crud, Con Sars – whatever you call it, it’s a rough way to end a good time.
There are simple ways to avoid this sickness. Don’t talk to people. Don’t drink. Sleep early. HA – YEAH RIGHT. This is Comic Con we’re talking about here and the whole reason you came was to live it up and hang with fellow nerds!
Here are some helpful tips to get you through:
1. Hydrate – San Diego is notoriously hot in the summer, esp the third week of July. There is pricey-as-hell bottled water inside the convention center, but a better bet is to bring your own in a reusable bottle. There is also a Ralphs nearby on G Street and with a club card + coupons (I’m an Extreme Couponer minus the 100 toothbrushes) you can get bottled water on the cheap.
2. Pace yourself – I know you’re excited but the reality of hitting EVERYTHING at SDCC is an impossible dream. Map out what is important and what you think is doable each day. Check out the LxL tips on planning a Comic-Con schedule. It sounds crazy but keeping to a manageable day will save your sanity in the long run.
3. Rest – Believe it or not it is possible. In between activities go back to the hotel room and catch a quick nap. Heck, take doze in the back of a dark panel (don’t snore). Even if you go out to all the best Con parties sleep in a bit in the morning, your body will thank you.
4. Purell – Purell is my bff. Since I am an exhibitor I am constantly talking to people, going to meetings and shaking hands. Being friendly will make you sales and get you business but it will also expose you to a ton o’ germs. I Purell ALLLL day. Usually when no one’s looking since nothing’s ruder than shaking someone’s hand and immediately dousing yourself in Purell.
Follow these simple tips and hopefully by the end of the Con you’ll be packing up your cosplay outfits, clutching your sketches and enjoying the memories all while totally healthy and free of sickness.
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