Just Jenn Recipes

BlogHER 2014 – Conferences, Community and Passion


I’ve been blogging for over 10 years, that’s a lifetime in the blogging world. Back in the old days I could count the number of bloggers I knew on my hands. We all ended up getting to know each other and reading each others blogs because the community was so small.


These days the blogging world has exploded, especially in food blogging. The number of blogs out there are in the hundreds of thousands and keeping up with the community is a lot harder than it used to be. Social media helps, but there’s nothing like a good old fashioned face to face to really connect with people who are going through similar blogging experiences.


That’s where BlogHER conferences come in. The idea of attending a blogging conference can be intimidating but the benefits are definitely worth overcoming your fears! Not only can you learn the ins and outs from veteran bloggers, but you have the opportunity to speak to bloggers that you admire, whose writing you have been reading for years.

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I went to my first BlogHER conference in 2009, it was the inaugural BlogHER Food and they did a great job in setting up informative panels that were relevant to my blog subject. BlogHER always brings the best brands and speakers to share their experiences. The closing panel at that conference was a talk by Elise Bauer of Simply Recipes, David Lebovitz and Ree Drummond of the Pioneer Woman, before she had her tv show on Food Network! Listening to these three established bloggers talk about their journey was informative and inspiring!


The biggest benefit of BlogHER is the opportunity to sit and talk with your blogging peers. You get to discuss your passions with other bloggers who may have had similar experiences. That insight can help guide your own blogging journey. Talking to each other about writing skills, photography techniques, even details about families and experiences is valuable knowledge that you can both share and learn from. One on one interaction with people who just like you, are sitting behind a keyboard and writing down their thoughts is a great chance to learn something new while rediscovering your own path at the same time.


Register now for blogHER 14 July 24-26, 2014 in San Jose, CA and take advantage of the amazing BlogHER community!

BlogHER 2014 – Conferences, Community and Passion



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