Just Jenn Recipes

Breakfast Musubi

Most people are familiar with the Hawaiian favorite, Spam Musubi. Spam fried in soy sauce and sugar, then pressed between two layers of rice, held together by a sheet of nori. I make a few variations on this, including a Spam and Egg Musubi which makes it a very packable breakfast on the go.

The lovely people at Spam caught wind of my many uses of the island favorite and were kind enough to send me over a few Spam gifts, including a can of one of their newer products, Spam with Bacon! That’s not a combination I would have thought of but it was nice to see that the flavor wasn’t an overpowering baconalia (joke) but more of a subtle, smoky, bacon essence. This meant that making a spam musubi wouldn’t even need the soy sauce teriyaki glaze.

I simply pan fried the spam, cooked up an egg – but then hesistated. Now if I wanted to go the traditional route, I’d have sandwiched this between two layers of rice and called it a day. However I am the one who came up with the crazy Spam Musubi Push-Pop concoction, so I knew there was a boundary to push.

I thought why not make a whole sit down breakfast meal of it and sandwich the Bacon Spam and egg with hashbrowns! The ultimate breakfast tower, including a wrap of nori as a nod to tradition. Not your normal breakfast fare, but who’s to judge in a world where Bacon Spam is our utopia.

Breakfast Bacon Spam Musubi

Breakfast Musubi


1 slice Spam with Bacon
1 egg, scrambled
2 hash browns, cooked
1 strip nori


In a pan over medium high heat, dry fry the spam until browned on both sides.

To serve, place one hash brown down topping it with the scrambled egg, the spam and then the other hash brown. Wrapping it with the strip of nori.

5 Responses to “Breakfast Musubi”

  1. miss mochi says:

    This is BRILLIANT!

  2. HL says:

    Looks so yummy! My mouth is watering just looking at it. I’m going to Hawaii next weekend and can’t wait to have spam musubi.

  3. Pomai says:

    Aloha Jenn,

    Your hash brown, bacon SPAM and Egg Musubi is brilliant! I’m so making this.

    FYI , I recently featured your post here, as well as the “SPAM Musubi Push Pop” in your other article on my blog here:


  4. Brian says:

    How come I had never seen this before now? OMG, I have to run home and try this NOW! (OK, I’ll wait until the morning). Mmmm!

  5. Robin says:

    I would prob replace 1 hash brown with a piece of toast or English muffin so my husband would eat it. But it still is something I would definitely eat! Looks delicious.

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