Campfire SmoresTroopers
I make A LOT of Star Wars themed recipes and I’ve even made SmoresTroopers cupcakes before, but let’s say you’re out camping on the forest moon of Endor and craving something sweet. It has to be portable and it has to be delicious. These are the campfire sweets you’re looking for.
My recipe for homemade graham crackers is simple and keeps well in the freezer if you want to make the dough ahead. The trick to making these of course is the Williams-Sonoma Stormtrooper cookie cutter. Once the cookies are baked you’re ready to assemble.
Now you can definitely roast these marshmallows in your toaster oven at home, or roasted over a burning effigy of your father…um, yikes. Maybe a toaster oven is just fine.
The melty goodness is too hard to resist, SmoresTroopers are everyone’s favorite treats whether you’re at a geeky beach bonfire or taking a break from rebuilding the Death Star!
Luke: “SMORES are your weakness.”
Palpatine: “Your faith in your friends is yours.”
I may be paraphrasing…

Campfire SmoresTroopers
Stormtrooper graham crackers (recipe here)
chocolate bars
Take a piece of chocolate and place it on top of the flat side of a stormtrooper graham cracker.
Add the roasty toasty marshmallow on top and press down with another graham cracker.