Just Jenn Recipes

Candy Corn Cupcakes

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I wanted to make something cute and seasonal. A giant stash of candy corn proved to be just the inspiration.

White cupcake batter
yellow gel dye
orange gel dye
buttercream frosting

So I’m not going to give you a white cake recipe because you should have one, but if god forbid you decide to go with a box mix, well – just don’t tell me about it. Don’t get me started.

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candy corn batter

Once you have your NON- box mix batter (heh) separate it into two bowls. I like to use gel dye because it doesn’t take that much and give you a strong color. Dye one half of the batter yellow, the other orange.

candy corn prep

Prep your cupcake pan by filling the liners 1/3 of the way with yellow. Then go back and top that off with 1/3 orange. Bake as your recipe directs.

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Once cooled you will have a lovely two tone cupcake, resembling the bottom of candy corn! Now for the white top – make up some white buttercream, and get your mini sous chefs to decorate with candy corn!

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These are a very easy way to make cute Halloween treats and the kids love to help!

Candy Corn Cupcakes



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