CSA recipes
It’s CSA day! The kids’ school has a CSA (community supported agriculture) service and I pay to receive fresh produce every two weeks. All the fruits and veggies are seasonal and come freshly packed from a local farm. It’s always a mystery as to what will arrive, which is part of the fun!
Here’s what I received this week:
Green Beans
Iceberg Lettuce
Large Sweet Maui Onion
The tangerines and grapefruit are a given to eat as they are. The citrus rarely even makes it home, I usually eat it right out of the box. I can’t eat Kale, so I’ll most likely gift it to a friend. And as for the other items, here’s how I might use the rest:
Broccoli: Broccoli Salad
Cabbage: Cole Slaw
Green Beans: Green Beans with Shallot Dressing
Ice Berg Lettuce: Lemon Chicken Tostadas
Onion: Baked Onion
Jenn! I’ve been looking through your mochi recipes and I don’t see one for plain mochi. I really want to make plain mochi but don’t know exactly what the ratio would be and whether or not i need salt etc. Please post a recipe as soon as you can! Thanks!
@Jessica Do you mean plain as in the white mochi that’s used in savory dishes?