Just Jenn Recipes

Blue cupcakes w/edible candy LEGO heads

This was for the Kid’s LEGO party, here.

This was one of the things the Kid was VERY specific about. There HAD to be cupcakes and they HAD to have yellow LEGO heads on them that he could eat. Okie dokie, then…tyrannical 7 year old on the loose…

blue cupcakes (recipe here)
1 (14 ounce) bag of yellow candy melts
black royal icing

First I made a batch of cupcakes, then dyed them blue. I didn’t want a dark LEGO blue, somehow that seemed even less appealing then these bright blue ones. Blue food just ain’t appetizing. Then I frosted them and went to work on the lego heads…

The Kid wanted me to use fondant, (yes my 7 year old is well versed in cake decorating) but I decided to go another route.

Since I had drawn with chocolate before, I thought I’d try out candy melts and form LEGO heads. I’m not really a fan of candy melts, I like to use more natural products myself, but I figured I’d give it a shot because the yellow melts were certainly…yellow.

Then I melted a bag of candy melts in a double boiler, just enough – I didn’t want it totally runny, I needed a thicker consistency to manage on the parchment. If I had LEGO molds like with the chocolate minifigs, life would be so much easier.

I printed out LEGO head images from the computer, then covered that print with parchment paper. Working quickly with a piping bag and #2 tip, I outlined the LEGO head, then filled in the rest.

Use a toothpick to even it out a bit, but don’t worry, these will be flipped. Just use the toothpick to try and get rid of any air bubbles.

Let set in the freezer, then flip them over and you have a nice tidy LEGO head!

For the face, I just freehanded the eyes and mouth with some black royal icing!

There you have it! Perfect little edible toppers for your LEGO party!

Blue cupcakes w/edible candy LEGO heads



5 Responses to “Blue cupcakes w/edible candy LEGO heads”

  1. Caroline says:

    Ok, not food related (and I hope it sounds less creepy on the web than it does in my head) but the little nose in the upper left corner of the first photo is so cute!!

  2. So I’m curious as to how you dyed the cupcakes blue? My daughter asked for blue cupcakes at her party and I remembered this post. Is it dyed with a syrup?

  3. Lisa says:

    OMG! You are freakin fantastic!! I SO wish I had found this before I went to the store. Son wants lego cupcakes for school. I got primary color fondant to try to sculpt legos. THIS is way better. May have to go back and get the candy melts!

  4. I am very thankful that I found this website, I really love those cookies, I can’t wait to bake the different cookies, muffins that you shared. I will bake before the day ends

  5. Krista says:

    My white chocolate was way too hot to pipe, so I just put some on the template and smoothed it out with a spatula. Worked great!

    I also couldn’t get the pdf template to open, so I just made my own on a word document using a single pic of a lego head outline.

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