Just Jenn Recipes

Disney Pixar’s Lou Streaming For Free For Unity Day

From the moment I first saw Disney Pixar’s short film Lou, I felt an instant connection. The story of bullying—and toys coming to life—was sweet, heartfelt, and entertaining. All the components that make up a perfect Disney Pixar short.

The moment that struck me most was how one of the key toys looked exactly like my own childhood toy dog, Henry. This dog meant everything to me and I have it to this day, he got me through many a hard time over the years. Seeing what was surely just my own special toy on screen was too much of a coincidence.

Lou originally played in front of Cars 3 and at the press junket, I got to speak with the creators. Lou creator Dave Mullins confirmed to me that he was also the proud owner of several Henry dogs and they were indeed the influence for the film. Just like that, I felt an immediate connection with the short.

Today is Unity Day, a day to rally against bullying, unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. And so in honor of the importance of these ideals, Disney Pixar is streaming Lou for free on Disney.com.

When you enjoy Lou and think about your childhood treasures, why not take a stand against bullying and spread tolerance and love every day, not just on Unity Day.

Images: Disney Pixar

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