Just Jenn Recipes

fondant Hamtaro

Jodi loves hamsters so this was a natural choice for a birthday gift. I tried to convince the Kid that these were hamster flavored. He didn’t fall for it, smart kid.

orange gel dye
pink gel dye
black gel dye

This how-to kind of sucks. I made these at 4 in the morning cause I couldn’t sleep, but it was still dark out so there was no light. The pictures are lacking, but still, I think you get the gist of it.

I started out dyeing. Gel dyes are the ONLY thing I recommend, not only for fondant, but for frostings and cakes. Gloves are always recommended because any kind of dyeing can stain. A small ball of orange, and VERY small amounts of pink and black. The white just stays as is, which is helpful.

I started out like I did with the Curious George cupcakes, cut round circles to start, as the base. Then I cut another circle in orange, but cut that at an angle or half moon. That is the orange part of the fur. Lay that on top of the white circle. Then I just took some tiny balls of orange, flattened them and put them behind the circles for ears.

Like I said, this how to sucks, because I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the steps, but just pull off small balls of black and pink, and roll them out to finish it off. As you can tell from the pictures, making these is really easy because it’s just layering pieces.

Also, I was at the end of my fondant supply, so I only made two hamsters, then took the rest of the fondant and spelled out Jodi’s name. I just hand sculpted the letters, I don’t like using cookie cutters too much because they often stick and pull. I think making things by hand gives you much more control.

I made pumpkin cupcakes, and used a chocolate spread instead of a frosting. I am not a fan of BIG frostings, so just a little spread gave some flavor and made good ‘glue’ for the fondant. Playing with fondant is really easy, it just takes some practice, I encourage everyone to try it, it’s really easy!

fondant Hamtaro



3 Responses to “fondant Hamtaro”

  1. Stac says:


    Where can I find the Blondie White Chocolate Spread and the Dark CHocolate Spread? We live in Massachusetts.

  2. justJENN says:

    I would try an Italian deli, they have lots of spreads for toasts and things.

  3. Dawn says:

    I just went on a hunt for these and they are awesome! Thanks for the recommendation! The dark chocolate is my fave.

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