My Shave Ice Cupcakes in Food Network Magazine!
This is something that’s been in the works for a while and now that the issue is out, I can finally talk about it!
Food Network magazine approached me and to say I’m excited is an understatement. I am a *huge* fan of Food Network so it was great to work with them and have one of my creations featured in the magazine!
I first made these cupcakes for my friend Cheryl’s baby’s first birthday party. First birthdays are a huge deal for people from Hawaii and I wanted to make something special, so I took the idea of Hawaiian shave ice but made it in cupcake form. It’s a great summer party treat and Food Network thought so too!
Here’s a bigger pic from the interior of the magazine:
Very cool! My name is in there in super fine print but you have to buy the magazine to see that part. I’m thrilled with how they look! Thanks Food Network!

How cool!!! Congratulations! Those cupcakes are awesome. We’ve always known how amazing you are – I’m glad Food Network figured it out, too. 🙂
That is so awesome–congrats!
VERY COOL! Congrats!
SO FREAKING EXCITING! how you managed to keep this under wraps, i don’t know. i’d have been bursting at the seams. congrats! well deserved!
WOW, congrats, that’s very exciting and well deserved! i’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner, i LOOOOOOVE your blog and your recipes!
YAY!!!! Congrats!! SOO cute! uhmm… now I want shave ice AND a shave ice cupcake lol!
super awesome! Everyone loved them so much at my daughter’s 1st birthday!!! 🙂
How exciting!
Super cool! That post was actually one of the first that got me reading you regularly. Congrats!
HATS OFF TO YOU!! Your creativity knows no bounds 🙂
Maika’i no! Way to go, Jen!!
Congratulations! And to think some of us like to imagine that you are OUR SECRET!
Much aloha to you!
I’m so sad today to see Bakerella’s copycat idea with no recognition paid to your awesome idea. 🙁
Oh my gosh! This is so adorable! We eat snowballs like crazy down here (Louisiana), and these would be a hit at any summer party!
I’m with kimberly michelle. Hopefully she will make it right. SUCH a cute idea!!!
I have to say that people come up with the same fantastic ideas all the time.
So huge kuddos to you Jenn, but if you all look a bit closer, Bakerella’s Snow Cone Cupcakes ( are actually cupcakes with three different shades of cake (and there is a recipe for it), three different shades of icing, and they are made in paper cups to boot.
The idea overall is terrific, congrats to you both.
I am trying to replicate this for my daughter’s 10th Birthday cupcakes… can you please help me with two things since mine came out so low… One what size cupcake did you use and two where do you get your cups?
Thank you in advance and congrats…
The cupcakes are regular size and baked in normal cupcake liners. After they are cooled I place them inside a styrofoam cup which I got at Smart & Final. The wood spoons are from The Webstaurant Store online, here.
Thanks justJenn… So my cupcakes are the right size but my cups are too tall. We don’t have that store here and I tried the Ice Cups our stores have.. Again this is a great idea and I will tell everyone I got it from you.
Congrats, Jenn!! Woohoo!!