Just Jenn Recipes

Foodbuzz Fest 2010

This past weekend I attended the annual Foodbuzz Fest up in San Francisco. Three days of eating, how could you turn that down? Well guess what, eating is a sport, and the uniform would probably be stretchy pants.

Friday night started out with a street food party and this was probably my favorite part of the conference. Wandering and eating local food cooked right there – it was just a nice way to graze and get a taste of a nice variety of foods.

They even had a llllllong table set up with mini cupcakes spelling out FOODBUZZ for what else – Cupcake Wars.

The next day consisted of informative panels – basically to help you with your writing, photography and basically finding a voice for you and your blog. The odd thing to me was that most of the attendees had only been blogging a year or less. So some old fogey bloggers like me who’ve been blogging several years woul’ve liked a little more from the panels.

But I did get to see Mary Sue Milliken again who remembered me, and that was nice. All I wanted was to eat tacos and my prayers were answered when she was making them on site later in the day at the tasting pavilion. There were lots of regional vendors on hand to show up their wares.

Then it was on to Saturday night dinner. The food was good. I’m sure in the ‘writing panel’ they will tell you that is NOT what to say – but honestly as an architect I was more intrigued with the fact that we were sitting under the arches of the amazing Ferry Building that night. No one gets to do that! And it was spectacular.

It was a nice long weekend FILLED with food and a lot of good friends.

Foodbuzz Fest 2010



4 Responses to “Foodbuzz Fest 2010”

  1. I need to get invited to events like this. Yum!

  2. Cathy says:

    Yum! I just want to lick the frosting on those cupcakes. Some people have all the fun!

  3. Monica H says:

    Hi Jenn,

    Why didn’t I realize before now that eating is a sport?! I’m totally a world class athlete and didn’t even know it! ha!

    It was so nice meeting you this weekend at the gala dinner at the Ferry Building in SF. You are too cute for words and it’s always nice to get to know bakers who love butter as much as I do 🙂

    ~Monica H
    Lick The Bowl Good

  4. hello. says:

    Maybe could have been a more strategic color; Yellow doesn’t exactly stand off of white ;P

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