Just Jenn Recipes


My friend Autumn interviewed me for the website Geek Six, which covers all things geek related. It wasn’t until she asked, did I realize just HOW MUCH geek-related food things I’ve really made. In addition to my kids lunches, called “What Would YODA eat” and “What Would Iron Man eat” I also cook & bake TONS of themed meals and parties.

Her questions were so random, they really made me laugh. Let’s just say I think I am the first person to use the words “Hello Kitty” and “poop” in the same sentence. I’m very sorry. Read her whole interview, here.

And take a look at a few of my geek-related food creations from years past…

The Ultimate Star Wars party, of course. (here)

Godzilla Cake (recipe, here)e

Superhero Cupcakes (recipe, here)

Understand Cake: Birthday cake for Scott McCloud (recipe, here)

The Dark Side of Egg Salad (recipe, here)

DOMO Peppermint Chocolate Cupcakes
(recipe, here)

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One Response to “Geekfest”

  1. Kiryn says:

    With how much stuff I’ve seen that’s Hello-Kitty themed, I sincerely doubt that you’re the first. Any product that exists in the world also exists in a Hello Kitty version.

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