Just Jenn Recipes

Giada’s baked salmon

Still going through Giada’s cookbook. All her recipes are pretty similar. Tomatoes. Olive oil. Etc. But salmon, which doesn’t seem so Italian, is amazingly tasty. It’s gotta be the shallots. I love me some shallots.

3 tomatoes, chopped
2 shallots, chopped
2 Tablespoons olive oil
Fresh lemon juice from half a lemon
3/4 tsp dried oregano
3/4 tsp. dried thyme
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 black pepper
4 salmon filets

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium bowl stir together everything but the salmon.

Ready 4 large sheets of aluminum foil. Spoon another 1/2 tsp oil into the center of each sheet. Place the samlon filet on top and turn to coat in the oil.

foil salmon

Spoon the tomato mixture on top of each filet. Fold the sides of the foil over the fish and tomatoes, covering and sealing completely.

foil salmon

Place the packets on a baking sheet – I put a silpat underneath, just in case there is leakage.

Bake until the salmon is just cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer packets to plates – be careful when you open them, the steam is hot!

Great dish for a light and healthy dinner.

foil salmon

Giada’s baked salmon



4 Responses to “Giada’s baked salmon”

  1. I love salmon, I can’t wait to try this one out.

  2. Phyllis says:

    Salmon recipe picture looks very appealing, but WHITE RICE, oh no !

  3. Kevin Church says:

    What’s wrong with white rice? It’s great with some things, just like brown rice is great with others. I know I (along with, say, Japan) prefer white rice with fish, as the flavors blend together nicely.

  4. this page says:

    I had to put this post in my own blogroll because of of this post!

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