Just Jenn Recipes

Hello Kitty Bow cupcakes

Having two boys is awesome. I never miss having girls until I get some very cool party ideas with no one to use them on. Luckily my friends have lots of girl-children!

When I was asked to make Hello Kitty cupcakes I jumped at the chance of course! Knowing my love of all things Hello Kitty I had lots of ideas but hold up, this no-longer-little girl was turning 8.

Turning 8 is a BIG deal. To me, it no longer means you’re a baby and well, the thought makes me a little weepy. But even when you grow up, you never outgrow Hello Kitty. That love will stay with you til you are well into your 30s…Um – just sayin’.

So I wanted to make Hello Kitty cupcakes that weren’t overly cutesy, but perfect for a little girl’s 8 year old birthday.

I drew Hello Kitty’s famous ‘bow’ (I can draw Hello Kitty things in my sleep that is how big a fan I am) and then printed it out on a high gloss paper. Using an x-acto I cut out the bows.

With just a dab of glue – I stuck the bows to the outer wrapped of small lollipops.

The birthday girl requested Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I made them slightly oversized – hey it’s a birthday party, let’s go overboard – and then stuck the lollipop into the center of the cupcake.

They came out adorable and you could tell right away they were Hello Kitty without being obvious about it. Heck, this would be good for an ADULT’s Hello Kitty birthday party! Hm…my birthday is four months…

Anyway, I think it was a good fit for a very grown up 8 year old’s birthday. Before you know it…the teen years! Yikes. Slow it down kids, Auntie Jenn is getting old. And while you’re at it get off my lawn.

Hello Kitty Bow cupcakes



5 Responses to “Hello Kitty Bow cupcakes”

  1. kasey says:

    Ooh! I love this! Thank you for the cute idea. My friend loves Hello Kitty too and her birthday celebration is coming up… now I know what to make! 🙂

  2. Steve says:

    Those are freakin’ adorable.

  3. Sonja says:

    Love these!

  4. Toya says:

    They were perfect! She’s still talking about them. I found the lollipop with her name on it sitting in the kitty liner in her closet :). I’m not sure if her love of all things Hello Kitty comes from her or if it’s in her bloodlines. I still have a watch from the 80’s that still works. As much as I love my girls….hands off! You truly made her party special. Thank you for all the details and extra touches. You rock!

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