Just Jenn Recipes

Homemade Corn Dogs

I love ridiculous one-off appliances. I own a Donut Maker, a deep fryer, even a Hello Kitty shaped waffle iron. If they have one sole purpose, well that purpose is to make me happy.

This year for my birthday I was lucky enough to receive a corn dog maker! I usually make baked corn dogs but this looked and worked just like a waffle iron.

Change up the dogs to make them custom to your taste and you can have the fun of fair food right at home!

Homemade Corndog prep

Homemade Corn Dogs


1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup corn meal
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 Tablespoon oil
1 egg
1-3/4 cup buttermilk (more if necessary)
hot dogs
oil for frying


In a large bowl whisk together the flour, corn meal, brown sugar, baking powder and salt.

Make a well and stir in the oil, egg and buttermilk. Add more buttermilk if necessary to get a dipping consistency.

In addition to regular hot doges we also tried cubes of cheese which was the food of choise for the Cheese-atarian Kid. I pierced each with a skewer and set aside.

For this particular maker it took a little practice. The best outcome was to spoon some batter right into the maker, placing the dog on top then add more batter. Perfection! It worked just like a waffle maker!

I changed it up and topped some of the hot dogs with pizza sauce and mozzarella. The pizza dog was the hit!

If you don’t have a corn dog maker add oil to a deep fryer and fry according to manufacturer’s directions.

8 Responses to “Homemade Corn Dogs”

  1. Next time, try a waffle batter then you’ll have authentic Manila-style waffledogs! My favorite childhood snack growing up in the Philippines 🙂
    Been looking for a machine like this in ages — of course Amazon has ’em. Ordering NOW, haha.

  2. briarrose says:

    What a fun gadget. 😉

  3. Mimsy says:

    That is a very novel gadget like the caramel apple,corn dog, cotton candy machine Marge had on The Simpsons.

  4. I dunno if you did this, but did you try freezing the cheese before using it?
    I’ve heard of cheesestick recipes where that is done to help keep the cheese
    More solid during the frying process so maybe that would work?

  5. Kristen says:

    Just bought a mini cupcake maker and can’t wait to use it, I LOVE one thing gadgets!

  6. char says:

    Based on your review … I bought a corndog maker. Just wondering though … how were you able to get the dough to surround the hotdog? (what was your exact technique?) Maybe it’s because I used a “waffle” recipe which is probably not as thick as a corndog mixture? Thanks!

  7. mauserati says:

    Pizza Dog >>> Pizzog! of course. ha ha ha ha ha ha

  8. Lauren says:

    Do you still have your recipe for the baked corndogs posted somewhere?

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