Just Jenn Recipes

Layered Jello

Jell-o, jell-o, we love jell-o. Especially at family parties, the buffet table isn’t complete without a Jell-o creation.

Broken Glass Jell-o is beautiful no doubt, but this Layered Jell-o is a true work of art. It takes a whole lot of time and patience but it definitely pays off in the end.

Always fun to have at parties, the kids often argue over which flavor tastes better. Eat it in one bite or peel off and savor each layer!

Layered Jello prep

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Layered Jello


1 cup sweetened condensed milk
6 envelopes KNOX unflavored gelatin
1 small (3 oz) box orange Jell-o
1 small (3 oz) box lime Jell-o
1 small (3 oz) box blue-raspberry Jell-o
1 small (3 oz) box strawberry Jell-o


In a medium bowl stir the condensed milk with one cup boiling water. Set aside.

In a separate bowl take two envelopes of Knox gelatin and mix that with one cup boiling water. Add it to the condensed milk mixture and set aside.

Stir together the Orange Jell-o, one envelope of Knox gelatin and 1-1/2 cups boiling water in a bowl. Let cool, then pour into a 9×13 glass dish. Place in refrigerator to set for about 30 minutes.

On top of the set Orange layer, pour one cup of the condensed milk mixture for the next layer. Refrigerate to set for 15 minutes.

In a bowl stir the lime Jell-o, one envelope Knox gelatin and 1-1/2 cups boiling water. Once cooled pour it carefully over the milk mixture layer, then place in the refrigerator for another 15 minutes.

Once that sets pour on one cup of the condensed milk mixture, refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Stir the blue-raspberry Jell-o, one envelope Knox gelatin and 1-1/2 cups boiling water. Pour the cooled mixture over the milk layer, then place in the refrigerator for another 15 minutes.

One last layer of condensed milk mixture gets poured on and set in the fridge for 15 minutes.

Now finally end by mixing the strawberry Jell-o, one envelope Knox gelatin and 1-1/2 cups boiling water and pouring it over the milk layer.

Refrigerate to set or overnight. Then cut into squares and serve.

58 Responses to “Layered Jello”

  1. Man, I love this jello! I just made broken glass jello – thanks for the inspiration!!!

  2. Amy I. says:

    This is great! Can’t wait to try it. You inspired me to blog about all things rainbow today, and I included your layered jello 🙂

  3. Pam Harris says:

    Now THIS is seriously cool! And so beautiful.

  4. sharna says:

    I made this today for my daughter’s birthday! Way fun. I had a little trouble but I’m guessing it’s just a practice makes perfect thing. My green layer kind of melted into the white layer so the blue layer I let set longer before adding the final white layer but the white mixture then set up in the bowl that I’d set aside and I had to spread it on instead of pour it on, it was no longer a liquid…. So the top layer looks a little funky, you can tell through the red layer that the top white layer is all lumpy and what not…. I figure I’ll serve it upside down and maybe no one will notice…. We’ll try this one again! Thanks for sharing it!!!

  5. Leina says:

    Where did you find the KNOX unflavored gelatin? I tried Wal-Mart but had no luck!

  6. justJENN says:

    Try any major supermarket, it should be in the jello/baking aisle!

  7. Jami says:

    I’m doing this right now and having the same melting problem… guess I need my jello to be cooler and I need each layer to set longer. I’m only two color layers in, so there’s still hope it won’t look totally gross…

  8. justJENN says:

    Hm. Yeah – don’t pour it in boiling hot, but don’t exactly let it set either. It is practice makes perfect unfortunately…

  9. Cam says:

    Hi there :)…found this recipe after a search & am excited to try it, along with so many others on your site! Everything looks delish & fun–my kids are going to flip. Quick Q though–how far in advance can I make the layered jello dessert? Want to make it for a bday party but need to make it ahead. Thanks!

  10. justJENN says:

    Personally, I would only make it the day before. I’ve seen problems where people have made it early and the layers start to separate. You don’t want that!

  11. Dave Haubner says:

    Great website,you’re a very clever lady. I use the layered jello for making vodka shooters.Substitute 1/4 cup of vodka when mixing jello,and a 1/2 cup for the milk mixture. Usually make creamsicle shooters using orange jello and flavored vodkas. everyone loves them! My hats off to you!! Thanks.

  12. Cathy says:

    This is too cute – I’m going to make it for the 4th of July with red/white/blue/white/red. Can’t wait to see what the kids think!

  13. Nikki says:

    I had this yesterday at my sister’s baby shower and had no luck calling her this morning to get it. Thanks to you… I have it! YAAAY! ;D

  14. janice says:

    made it for 4th of july with blueberry, strawberry and the milk layer. looked great and everyone loved it. making it again this weekend for a toga birthday party with a couple different flavors. i expect it will go over just the same. thanks for helping me find this. was given the recepie but it omitted the water in the milk. could not figure out why it never set and why the can did not go the distance!

  15. Frances says:

    I have been using this recipe for years, and I get so many compliments! It’s a time consuming process, but it’s worth it, as it’s always a hit at my children’s parties and potluck events. I refer many of my friends and coworkers to this website who want to know how to make layered Jell-O. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe!!!

  16. Sara says:

    My aunt makes this every year for famliy get togethers, it is a classic, and super delicious!

  17. Pinata says:

    I’ve recently started a blog, the information you provide on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work.

  18. Sharon says:

    Looks b’ful Jenn,want to take it to potluck this week…have a doubt though…the recipe says ”Combine Orange JELLO, 1 envelope Knox gelatin and 1-1/2 cups hot water. Cool, then pour into a 9×13 pyrex”Similarly for all the other flavors,1 envelope each gelatin is added.

    Am wondering,why add the gelatin to the jello,will not the jello set by itself with appropriate amt of boiling water…will the addition of gelatin make it more rubbery?

    Kindly revert,would love to make it and I don;t want to bungle up this recipe…thanks.

  19. Marsha says:

    Jenn Nomura?

  20. April says:

    I tried the recipe. It turned out pretty well at first, but by the time I got to the last layer of milk mixture, it had already solidified in the bowl. Needless to say, it was pretty difficult to spread to all sections of the pan. I ended up scraping most of it off and just put the red layer over the blue layer. You can still see solidified bits of the milk mixture under the red layer, so presentation won’t be as nice I would have liked.

  21. Ratasha says:

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I’m from HI, and had a craving for this jello (it’s the only way I can even eat jello). I haven’t had it in years, so I didn’t think I could even remember what this was called so I randomly googled “layered jello,” and there it was! Thanks again, I’ll definitely be making this for my kids some time soon.

  22. justJENN says:

    I’m with you, I’m not much of a Jello fan except when it’s served like this or when it’s Broken Glass Jello, otherwise, forget it!

  23. Chris says:

    Yummy Jenn! Exactly likes mom’s. I used to call it old school jello recipe cause I didn’t know what it’s name was. So happy to find this. About the issue some replies had with the milk mixture set/solidify before the last red layer put on. I recommend they do the 2nd paragraph of instructions 1st (do the orange jello instruction) then after it has already set in the fridge 30min. as you instructed, then they should do the 1st paragraph of instruction (the milk mix). Basically by switching the order of these 2 instructions it’s 30min. of less time for the milk mix to sit out and start to set. Also many folks who are doing this in cooler/cold air (a/c unit, cold climate) the milk will set quicker as opposed to those living in the islands or warmer locations. As for the melting prob., you mention in the very first (orange) jello mix instruction “cool, then pour”. This step is important to follow. =) Thank you for sharing Jenn, love it!

  24. caitlin says:

    i have the same problem – the jello isn’t set hard enough and when i pour the white, it totally bleeds into the red. i’m gonna let it cool longer so the white doesn’t bleed. keep my fingers across. i believe the knox gelatin helps the jello become wiggly and not fall apart when you cut.

  25. Cooking says:

    I ended up bow most of it off and righteous put the red place over the amytal sheet. You can solace see solid bits of the river variety low the red stratum, so show won’t be as overnice I would person likeable……….


  26. Dara says:

    So cute! Tried it out, wow, I didn’t realized it would take so long, but it turned out great. My refrigerator was slightly tilted so I kept turning the pan and it ended up being topsy turvy. Will definitely do again but probably in clear plastic cups 🙂

  27. cheydust says:

    Thanks so much for posting this recipe! my grandparents lived in Hawaii for 20 years and i remember going to visit as a child and my grandmother making this. I wanted to make it for my kids, but no one in the family could find the recipe so i turned to the internet. I’m sure my children will love it and it will bring back fantastic childhood memories for me!!!! Thanks again!!!!

  28. clarissa says:

    Thanks for the great pictures. I do realize that the white mixture should be not hot and a little luke warm. My first white layer was a little pink from the jello below. But otherwise, I can’t wait to cut them up. I also put a little canola oil around the pan to help it come out easier.

  29. lisa says:

    What makes the milk harden?

  30. notsogoodcook says:

    How much in advance can this be made? Having a party on Saturday. Can I make it on Thursday or Wednesday? Thanks!

  31. justJENN says:

    You can make it in advance no problem, in fact I SUGGEST it. It frees up your time for more party planning!

  32. notsogoodcook says:

    When you say “hot water” (in all of the jello steps), do you mean “boiling”, like what you normally need for jello?

  33. justJENN says:

    Yes, hot or boiling, just like when you make a batch of regular jello.

  34. Evelyn says:

    I just LOVE this recipe altho, as stated, it does take time and can be tricky. Good to know it can be made a couple of days in advance.

    Had the same “milk mixture too stiff” problem so I tried it preparing the milk in two batches. It didnt work for some reason – messy and still too stiff – so will try mixing it up AFTER the first jello layer is set, gaining 30 mins in this race.
    Thanks everyone for the input.

  35. mary says:

    I think this is the first time I’ve ever thought Jello was “pretty”. Ooo, pretty.

  36. marc says:

    Now you are making me crave rainbow jello. Brings back childhood memories. Gotta make this myself now.

  37. notsogoodcook says:

    just curious… does this still work if you just do the jello layers (no white layers)? Will the jello stick together without the white?

  38. Rene says:

    I made this and my son loves it, he needed a dessert for school and said he would bring jello some of the kids said they dont like jello but he assured them they will like this one. Thank you sooo much love the reciepe.

  39. carol says:

    haha, mayonaise = barf….so true!! I used Pam cooking spray. I am hoping my cream layer sets, so far it seems too liquidy 🙁

  40. carol says:

    oh haaaaayyyyy, the creamy part thickened, so we got first two layers going. w00t! tanks!

  41. What a great idea. I cannot wait to try it out at my Christmas Party.

  42. Jane Cato says:

    You’ve inspired me to try this! Thank you for taking the time to post it. ♥

  43. Megan says:

    We make these for Gator Games and just use Blue and Orange. I am going to make these for the kids this Superbowl Sunday. One batch of yellow and green another batch of blue, yellow, and red. (I would rather be using Giants colors) I love how you can just choose the colors to fit anything. Pink and red for valentines, green for st. patty’s, red and green for Christmas, softer colors for Easter. For my son’s super hero party we are making red and blue. These are awesome and the kids like to peel them apart too.

  44. Jeni says:


    When the sweetened condensed milk layer gets lumpy or gels together between adding layers then just pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir with a wisk. Works like a CHARM!!!!

  45. Kathleen says:

    This looks amazing! I’ve only seen really thick layers before.

  46. HLK says:

    Clear out a shelf in your refrigerator for your glass dish …. then just keep your dish in the refrigerator and pour the jello in. Don’t move the dish in and out of the frige! Also, don’t rush the layers – they really do need to set up well before you pour the next layer in. I make this recipe with 6 layers so I’ll do 3 layers in the evening and then the other 3 layers the next morning.

  47. Joanna says:

    Do you have any idea how to turn this into an alcoholic treat? I’m getting confused on what part you’re supposed to replace water with alochol…not sure if you ever do this with your jello recipes!

  48. justJENN says:

    Sorry, no idea!

  49. Nicki says:

    This recipe has become a regular for this household. (From Japan to Sacramento to now, Germany) I originally did this recipe and your shave ice cupcakes for a Spongebob/Luau party my son was having. They were both a hit. The kids LOVED the jello and even the adults were fooled by the cupcakes. I did use the mayo to prevent sticking for the jello. I’m a little ahem, “detail oriented” (insert less PC word here!) that way and, can’t even taste it. Ignorance it bliss in this situation for my family 🙂 I’ve tried both without mayo and with mayo and with the mayo, it does slip out easier (though both ways works fine in my pyrex). Thanks for everything you do! I’m always tuned in!

  50. Eve says:

    I’ve been sitting here biting my nails trying to decide whose layered jello recipe to use and you win! I’ll write soon to let you know how it goes. Thanks for posting!

  51. Katrina says:

    AMAZING & DELICIOUS! I just finished my first attempt at this layered Jello- PERFECT!
    – For those worried of your hard work sticking~ Although mayo is yucky, a light spray of Pam is great and doesn’t affect the taste or texture of the Jello.
    – While pouring in the layers, make sure the jello is cooled as close to room temp as possible (Certainly never more than lukewarm) I found that mixing the next colored jello just after pouring in a colored layer worked well and allowed my colored jello to cool down on counter in half hour.
    – For milk mixture, if it gets too cool, it can solidify before it’s time to pour. To avoid jelling, I brought my milk mixture temp back up to lukewarm by setting my bowl over the steam some boiling water in a pan- like a double boiler. However, please note that the mixture was never over continuous heat. I simply boiled some water in a medium pan, took off the heat, and put the milk mixture bowl on top until I needed to use it next. I did this twice, after I added each milk layer. (But I can see that you might need to do more frequently if on the mainland, since it’s generally colder than Hawaii)

    Good luck! The reward is totally worth the process : )

  52. Katrina says:

    : ) LOL- I was just reading the comments- and I think my rommie Eve made the comment just before me. We’ve been talking about making your jello for over a week now, and I just got motivated today right after midnight. She has been fast alseep during the whole process and will be delighted to wake up to this masterpiece in the morning! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the recipe!!!

  53. KtCallista says:

    My grandma makes this except she uses vanilla or plain yogurt instead of sweetened condensed milk. We all love it! Three years ago my oldest was diagnosed with a milk and egg allergy, two years ago her sister joined her. Now we make it with either soy yogurt (which doesn’t set as well) or just leave the white layer out entirely. It looks really cool as just jello (each color fades into the next just like a rainbow) and the different flavors combining together are a lot of fun! I may have to try a sweetened condensed soy milk. Thanks!

  54. Julie&June says:

    Oh no, it didn’t work at ALL — it was way too hard to eat. We put the jello in clear plastic cups to serve easily to my daughter’s Brownies troop. They looked beautiful but you couldn’t get a spoon through them. Yich. Not sure what went wrong — any thoughts? The microwave trick for keeping the milk from solidifying worked but overall they were a disaster.

  55. Martha says:

    @Julie&June – every time I have seen this dessert, it is served cut into rectangles. I’ve seen it called Finger Jello. I think maybe you didn’t do anything wrong, it is just not like normal jello that you eat with a spoon. Sorry it didn’t go well.

  56. sarah says:

    LOVE this tutorial. Just beautiful! I made a red, white, & blue version for the fourth, and subbed in coconut milk instead of condensed milk for my dairy-allergic son. I greased the pan with coconut oil to prevent sticking and it worked like a charm. Thank you so much!!! http://getallergywise.blogspot.com/2012/07/bring-on-red-white-blue.html

  57. Des says:

    I come to this page time and time again for this and other Hawaii recipes. Thank you!!

  58. Clic Aqui says:

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