Just Jenn Recipes

LEGO block Jell-o

I threw the Kid aLEGO birthday party and as always, food was my main priority! With LEGO as the theme, incorporating squares and blocks into the party food was key!

One of my standards for any party is Jell-o and Broken Glass Jell-o is always a favorite. I took the same idea but used core LEGO colors: red, blue and yellow and also cut the “blocks” a bit bigger. The Jell-o was a hit and the kids kept coming back for more!

LEGO jello

LEGO block Jell-o


1 small box (3 ounces) strawberry jello – red
1 small box (3 ounces) blueberry jello – blue
1 small box (3 ounces) lemon jello – yellow
7 ounces (half a can) sweetened condensed milk
1 envelope unflavored gelatin


In separate bowls, dissolve each box of jello separately, into one cup of boiling water. Pour into individual containers (small tupperware works well) and chill overnight.

Once solid, cut the flavors of jello into LARGE blocks and mix together carefully in a 2 quart glass 8″ ×11″ pan.

In a separate bowl, dissolve the envelope of unflavored gelatin in 1 cup boiling hot water. Let cool a bit and then stir in the condensed milk. Cool to touch, then pour cooled milk mixture over jello and chill overnight. Cut into squares and serve.

You’ll see that there is LESS white in this than the traditional Broken Glass Jello. I wanted the color cubes to be larger and bolder but still have them all combine together into a pretty dessert. The kids loved this – especially since I used red, blue and yellow – very LEGO.

3 Responses to “LEGO block Jell-o”

  1. Mrs. Q. says:

    I love this! My son is going to be 6 in a few months and has been talking about having a Lego party since, well, he turned 5. I will be making this as well s the great kabobs! Thanks!

  2. Lynne says:

    I <3 your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Christien says:

    Thanks, my son’s Lego party is tomorrow and we hope our Jelly glass will look and taste just as great. Thanks for the idea!

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