Just Jenn Recipes

Lemon Coke

Part of my own personal – ‘Iron Chef: Battle Lemons’ series. I was recently ‘gifted’ with a bag of a zillion lemons. Yes. I counted them. They were very ripe and I needed to work fast, I thought of every single possible dish I could make and ended up with tons of new lemon-y dishes.

This isn’t a fantastically high tech recipe, but you know. Whaddya gonna do. I love Lemon Coke. I order it when I go to old skool soda fountains. I’m retro like that.

1 can of coke
juice of HALF a lemon

Pour a can of coke into a cup. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice in. Stir.

Told you it was a lame recipe. But SO GOOD.

These go GREAT with Lemon Zest French Fries


Lemon Coke



4 Responses to “Lemon Coke”

  1. Regan says:

    ha! like blanch in “streetcar named desire”. she asks for a lemon coke! i love lemons myself. i made lemon cupcakes 2 days ago, but the frosting could have been better.

  2. Satsuki says:

    Hmm… I have some oranges in the fridge. I wonder how that might taste.

  3. Amy says:

    Lemon coke is great! For an extra kick, I add just a bit of fresh ginger kinda mushed up on the bottom.

    My lemon tree is churning out lemons so I was wondering what to do with lemons myself!

  4. Tim says:

    I love lemon with coke and yes it tastes great.

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