Just Jenn Recipes

Lemon Sugar

Just like LAST YEAR, the Lemon Fairy left a gigantor bag of lemons on my porch. I don’t know whether to hug her or punch her because she knows my weakness. I just can’t let these things go to waste. I’ve been working my way through them like a maniac, so you know what that means…it’s Lemon Week! A new lemon recipe everyday…until I die from citrus poisoning. Is that possible? I hope not…

Simple, right? It is – but the taste is beyond compare. It’ll make your days brighter and your life longer. Ok, maybe not, but it sure makes does give your baking that extra somethin’.

1 cup sugar
zest of 1/2 lemon

Zest the lemon into the sugar. Stir around so that the oils can mix into the sugar. Keep in a sealed container. I use this for baking lemon cakes and muffins, it adds a whole new dimension to your lemon-y desserts!

Lemon Sugar



9 Responses to “Lemon Sugar”

  1. Oh, that’s brilliant! I’ve been making vanilla sugar for years, but it never once occurred to me to make lemon sugar. Thanks!

  2. Tash says:

    Yes! I’m so glad you are having Lemon Week – ever since you posted that recipe for Lemon Spaghetti I always keep lemons in the fridge.

  3. Ambrrr says:

    Live every week like it’s Lemon Week!

  4. Melissa says:

    I just made the Lemon Sugar- what will I do with it now? Please do Lemon recipes! I have a tree dripping with lemons! And no clue what to make! THANK YOU! Melissa

  5. Erica B. says:

    What a wonderful idea… you should try candied lemons they are so yummy!!

  6. Susan says:

    When you use the lemon sugar in a recipe, do you sift out the lemon zest, or do you keep it in? Thanks!

  7. justJENN says:

    @Susan Don’t sift it – just use it as is!

  8. Mary Karam says:

    How long does it keep? Should it be stored in the fridge?

  9. justJENN says:

    @Mary Karam
    It keeps for long time in an airtight container, but if you live where it’s hot all the time (Hawaii) I’d say keep it in the fridge.

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