LxL cupcakes
We hosted a huge League of Extraordinary Ladies event at Meltdown Comics this week – trying to get local geek girls to come together and meet new people, hang out and of course…eat cupcakes! (recap, here)
I knew I wanted to make something special to promote our group so I thought personalized League LxL cupcakes were in order!
When I went to Wilton last week I got to see their newest product called Punch! Cut! Decorate! I liked the concept, it’s like scrapbooking – but with edible decor. They sell pre-printed sugar sheets in stores but I wanted to take it one step further and do my own custom version.
btw, Wilton did NOT give this to me, I was so intrigued when I saw the product that I went down to the craft store and bought it myself (with a coupon, of course. Next stop for me: Extreme Couponing, minus the 100 toothbrushes) and couldn’t wait to try it out.
First I drew the LxL logo and had a local bakery print the edible images onto sugar sheets. Then I used the Wilton Sugar Sheets Punch Set with a Circles Cutting Insert
and cut them out.
Awesome! A nice circle punch of sugar! I frosted the cupcakes and laid the sugar sheet punch on top. It’s stiff at first, then quickly melts into the frosting and becomes one with the cupcake. ADORABLE.
Sugar sheets aren’t my favorite taste, it’s almost like a light marshmallow-y flavor – sort of gritty. Definitely cute, not all that tasty. So I try to use it sparingly.
The punch sure is fun to play with. They have all kinds of really awesome
that go along with it. I envision tons of custom crazy things – my kids faces on cupcakes, inside jokes, MY GRANDMA’S FACE…
Wow – I wondered if those were a gimmic when I saw them in the Big Box Stores. Thanks for the review — I’m tempted, with a coupon, of course!
wow…that’s cool!!