Making the most of Summer with Tillamook Ice Cream
Why does every summer heat wave seem worse than the year before? No matter, a simple remedy is ice cream, allll day ice cream. Last month was National Ice Cream Month but summer is just getting started and today just happens to be National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!
Luckily Tillamook kindly sent over some of their fabulous frozen treats for me to try. Nothing beats opening your front door to an actual ice cold, steaming crate of ice cream on your porch. I opened the box to a wonderful surprise of Tillamook’s most outstanding flavors.
It’s funny how we all gravitate towards our favorites. I was immediately drawn to the Salted Butterscotch, while the Baby practically hovered over the Malted Mooshake. Since the Kid is always wary of new flavors due to his nut allergy, he was pleased to see his favorite drink Cinnamon Horchata, presented in ice cream form.
It didn’t take long for us to dig in and I was pleasantly surprised at how creamy and rich the flavors were. Grocery store ice cream can sometimes fall flat but from the first bite it was easy to taste how much care is put into Tillamook’s ice cream. Fresh milk and cream, high quality ingredients, combined with a 13.5% butterfat content and a low amount of air (aka overrun) definitely make a huge difference in how Tillamook’s ice cream stands out among the rest.
I truly can’t tell you how impressed I was with this ice cream, and let me tell you I eat a lot of ice cream. A fact you already know if you follow my instagram feed.
Along with the ice cream came Tillamookies. Now, I’d never seen these before but far be it from me to say no to an ice cream sandwich of any sort. I took the boxes of Oregon Strawberry, Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Hazelnut and Mint Chocolate Chip, and put them to a real test…Friday dinner with the whole family.
All twelve of us sampled all the flavors and of course, everyone had a favorite but the overall consensus was how fantastic it was to use chocolate coated waffle cone cookies for the ice cream sandwich. One lament of ice cream sandwiches is that sometimes the cookies can get soft but these stayed nice and crispy and were the perfect compliment to the creamy ice cream. A genius move and a fabulous combination. High marks from my ice cream-loving family.
Tillamook’s website shows that they have over 25 flavors of ice cream and it’s my new life mission to try each and every one. After these treats alone I know that I each new flavor I try will become my new favorite.
Check out Tillamook online to find out where you can grab some of these amazing frozen treats for yourself.
*Full disclosure: Tillamook provided product with no monetary compensation. All opinions are my own.
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