Just Jenn Recipes

Michael Rosenbaum cupcakes

Diet Coke + Michael Rosenbaum cupcakes. I heard you just say “What.” in your head. Let me explain…

My friend Jess (of the totally geeky web series Awkward Embraces) was going through some hard times recently, so our ‘geek girl support group’ (The League of Extraordinary Ladies) came together and formed a Voltron of Love, if you will, to help Jess out. Everyone brought their talents, sadly my only skills I had to offer was baking. So I took her two favorite things, hang on – (her #1 favorite thing is Star Trek, but I already made her those cupcakes) I took her two other favorite things and made a very special cupcake.

Jess loves Diet Coke, (I think she keeps them in business) and she also adores Michael Rosenbaum, star of movies and television, but being the nerd that I am – I know him best as the Man of Steel’s ultimate foe: Lex Luthor. Not everyone can pull off a bald look.

Remember when you were a kid, and you could just go up to someone, ask them to be your friend, and that was it? Life is more complicated as you get older. Especially with female friends. For whatever reason having and keeping *girl* friends is not that easy. Whether it’s misunderstanding, jealousy or just plain hate – girl-friendships seem just go away in a blink of an eye.

That’s why it’s nice to have a group like The League of Extraordinary Ladies – girls who will be there to support each other through the good and the downright evil.

I merged these two favorite things into a cupcakes to show Jess how much I care. Please consider doing the same thing for a *girl* friend of yours who’s feeling down. Keep Geek Girl friendships alive!

Diet Coke Cupcakes (recipe, here)
Brown Sugar Whipped Cream Frosting (recipe, here)

Michael Rosenbaum cupcakes



One Response to “Michael Rosenbaum cupcakes”

  1. Nadia says:

    yay, for girlfriends 🙂

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