Just Jenn Recipes

Mochi Making 2018

Mochi making with the Food Librarian is an annual tradition that I’ve been blogging about since 2009, that’s ten years now! Wow, time flies when you’re eating mochi.

This year it was back to basics, 100 lbs of rice which meant less mochi but still a lot of hard work. In the end we made 1450 pieces of mochi, plus an extra 120 sweet mochi filled with an. Not bad for a day’s work.

By the end of the day we were all covered in mochiko and I got to take home a box of 60 handmade mochi, perfect for my New Year’s Day Ozoni plus many breakfasts to come. Will this be the key to a happy 2019? Check back here in December…

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  • Mochi making 2009
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