Just Jenn Recipes

My Little Pony Giveaway!

Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขve made My Little Pony cookies and cupcakes here on the blog and MLP popularity seems to keep growing with no signs of stopping. Soon ponies will rule the world! Well, the internet world anyway. My Little Pony has inspired so many crafts and food that I put together some of my favorite finds over on Geek Mom to help you become a Super My Little Pony Mom!

Now you can win some of those great MLP items for yourself! The prize package includes a My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding dvd from Shout! Factory, a Twilight Sparkle Crown also from Shout! Factory, two cookie cutters from Warpzone Prints and to pull it all together, a giant sized We Love Fine My Little Pony Bag!

To enter – leave a comment, follow me on twitter, tweet, or like my facebook page! Enter via the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*full disclosure: These items are my own. All opinions of theses products and this blog post are my own. This prize pack is for one reader who will be selected at random and contacted by email. Giveaway ends 9/16/13 12am PST. Please note this giveaway is only open to residents of the U.S.

My Little Pony Giveaway!



71 Responses to “My Little Pony Giveaway!”

  1. Arbine says:

    Those cookie cutters are so cute! I love Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie!

  2. shanu says:

    That We Love Fine Rainbow Dashie bag is great!

  3. Amanda says:

    My 6 year old is obsessed with MLP. . and I admit I am too! Pinkie is our favorite!!!

  4. Kellie says:

    My kiddos are “new” to My Little Pony. They would love this!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Sarah says:

    This is super cute! Those cookie cutters are adorable!

  6. Lilcee says:

    My kid’s head is going to explode if I won this prize pack of all prize packs.

  7. Anna Lee says:

    This is an awesome giveaway!

  8. Conne says:

    How cute! I grew up with My Little Pony, but I do love the current popular characters, my favorites are Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

  9. KtCallista says:

    My middle child (Zelda from GeekGirlCon last year – Princess Leia the year before) LOVES the ponies! She is collecting the comics. I really need to get Netflix so she can watch the show!

  10. theresa says:

    My daughter and I love MLP! I’m hoping to have a themed party when she’s a little older. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. N. Frances Moritz says:

    The cookie cutters look like so much fun!

  12. Rachel says:

    Love it! My daughter will be 4 in three weeks, she’s a big MLP fan and would LOVE to get these for her birthday!

  13. RJ Keller says:

    What a great giveaway!

  14. mamazilla says:

    thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  15. Maria Malaveci says:

    My daughter loves My Little Pony! Thanks so much for this giveaway. Would be thrilled to win!

  16. Jessiqa says:

    This would make a terrific Christmas present for my cousin’s daughter who, by the way, is responsible for getting me into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in the first place.

  17. Amanda says:

    So glad that I learned about you from the Geek Mom page on Facebook. you have wonderful ideas I can’t wait to borrow! plus this giveaway is super cool and my family would go berserk if we won! Thanks for the chance!

  18. Lori R. says:

    I love My Little Pony! I grew up on the original show in the 80’s. I don’t have a daughter, but I really love all of this stuff for myself, I still watch cartoons ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for such a neat giveaway!

  19. Kirsten says:

    My Little Pony is a favourite in our house! My hubby is totally a brony (and so are some of his friends) so loving this giveaway!

  20. kai charles (@YogiKai) says:

    Love the cookie cutters”

  21. Bibliotropic says:

    Holy crap, my roommate would go nuts if I baked her some MLP cookies as a surprise! ๐Ÿ˜€ That’s just awesome!

  22. Janet W says:

    I can’t believe how popular MLP is now! I think even more than the 80s. My daughter loves them and would love that bag ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Jenny says:

    I’m planning a MLP party for the bean RIGHT NOW. your timing is impeccable.

  24. Mandy R says:

    All 3 of my kids are MLP fans. They would love these goodies.

  25. Kat Faust says:

    I’m a hugeee Pegasister and would totally love to have this. Especially the cookie cutters, omg. <3

  26. mimsy says:

    Everything is adorable. My nieces are huge MLP fans.

  27. Christy says:

    I’m dying to make some MLP cookies!!!

  28. Donna says:

    My daughter is a huge MLP fan. She recently got ears from DragonCon to perfect her applejack cosplay costume!

  29. Rosa says:

    Love Just Jenn Blogs & My Little Pony !!!!

  30. Shelly says:

    What great prizes. I hope I can win

  31. Bethany says:

    My daughter is at least as into Ponies now as I used to be, she would certainly freak over that crown. To me, those cookie cutters are fabulous, and I’m not much for making rolled cookies!

  32. Chas says:

    Love this giveaway! Perfect for my twins’ upcoming birthday!

  33. grrrace77 says:

    we all <3 MLP at our place!

  34. Christa Hedberg says:

    My little girl loves Rainbow Dash…..

  35. Karen says:

    We love MLP!

  36. Nicole Lia says:

    <3 this!

  37. Maria says:

    My kids would flip out for this!!

  38. Kelly says:

    Those cookie cutters are so adorable!

  39. Jennifer says:

    My daughter LOVES My Little Pony! Her favorite is Twilight Sparkle. She would love everything in this prize pack. ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Sabrina says:

    I love Twilight!!! This is a great giveaway! =D

  41. adrienne says:

    I think my daughters would both fit in that huge bag!

  42. Jessica says:

    My sons love My Little Pony!

  43. Teresa says:

    We’re a MLP house!

  44. Joshua Gruber says:

    “Mom” eh? My son and I are huge MLP fans, though it did take his older sister introducing us to them.

  45. Honda says:

    What an awesome giveaway! My cousin loves MLP.

  46. Julie U says:

    My daughter would love this!

  47. Kasey says:

    Omg, my friend would LOVE this so I’m entering on her behalf. lol.

  48. Erika says:

    We had a MLP-themed birthday party for my twins this year. They’re superfans! :o)

  49. Rae says:

    My daughter is now obsessed with MLP and has forced me to get some of my old-school ones out of storage. This would be an awesome little win for the recently-minted big sister.

  50. Staci A says:

    Love your MLP cupcakes!

  51. Courtney says:

    Love the cookie cutters!

  52. Lori Kenney says:

    My 5 year old daughter would absolutely LOVE this!

  53. Marian W says:

    Love MLP!

  54. Alie says:

    Ooh… this would be great for the My Little Pony party on October 18th… our little girl turns 5!

  55. Oh Q would be thrilled!

  56. Kasie says:

    My little girls birthday is coming up and she ADORES my little pony. Proof: http://instagram.com/p/d8kYAltwnD/
    I hope we win! But good luck to everyone!

  57. Rebekah says:

    My daughter is nuts about MLP:FIM… and I have to admit, I’ve willingly watched every episode with her. Such a cute, clever series.

  58. Melanie says:

    I had no idea that My Little Pony cookie cutters existed! I really want to use those! How fun!

  59. Vanessa T. says:

    I LOVE MLP! I’m that it has been so easy these days to share the love for the show. I love baking so those will come in handy!

  60. Natasha says:

    This would be great – I love those cookie cutters!!

  61. Katie says:

    My little girl is having a MLP birthday party in a few weeks. She would be beyond excited to get this!

  62. Tashi says:

    My fellow co-worker sent me this knowing how much I love My Little Pony – totally want to make Pinkie Pie cookies!

  63. Stephanie Rollins says:

    My daughter would LOVE to make My Little Pony cookies! She’d love eating them too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  64. Jennifer says:

    My daughter would LOVE this prize package. Her favorite My Little Pony is Twilight Sparkle

  65. Erika W. says:

    Oooh, I looove the cookie cutters!! Those would be so much fun to decorate cookies w/ my kids!

  66. Jolie says:

    My daughters want a My Little Pony birthday party this year so this is gonna really help!.

  67. Dawn Monroe says:

    I had no idea they had my little pony cookie cutters. You learn something new everyday.

  68. Riv says:

    That’s such a cute bag!

  69. Amanda Hendricks-Selby says:

    I have a family of Bronies and Pegasisters. This would go to a good home.

  70. Stacey Brickner says:

    Thanks for the chance!!! =)

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