Just Jenn Recipes

Rainbow Hors D’oeuvres

I throw a lot of parties and this time of year is definitely my busy season. Since I always have a pretty grand buffet area I am always on the hunt for unique plates and serveware, especially ones that showcase the my food just so.

My new favorite things are these Rainbow Hors D’Oeuvres plates from Uncommon Goods. There are three arches of varying sizes and tiny plate to hold the toothpicks. You pierce food and stick them into the arches for a unique display!

I decided to use the Mascarpone Filled Strawberries recipe from my comic recipe cards to make a fruit display along with blueberries and grapes. It came out so pretty and everything held up great!

The Kid really got into it too and decided to try making his own display for an after school snack:

I can’t wait to think up new recipes to display on this for the holidays! Check out even more cool holiday gifts from Uncommon Goods!

*full disclosure: Uncommon Goods provided me with product. The opinions of these products and this blog post are my own.

Rainbow Hors D’oeuvres



One Response to “Rainbow Hors D’oeuvres”

  1. Shari says:

    I love these! I’m going to have to get some for the Holidays and use them for tapas type appetizers. Cool!

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