Just Jenn Recipes


LxL cupcakes

We hosted a huge League of Extraordinary Ladies event at Meltdown Comics this week – trying to get local geek girls to come together and meet new people, hang out… Continue Reading »

Rainbow Cupcakes

It’s the last week of school and I thought I’d thank the kid’s hard working teachers by giving them a rainbow, a super cupcake rainbow! These little treats taste just… Continue Reading »

Mac ‘n’ Cheese

This is my basic Mac ‘n’ Cheese recipe. It’s pretty verastile in that you can use it o make even more dishes. Expand your idea of mac ‘n’ cheese! Lean… Continue Reading »

Snickers Cookies

Old Hawaiian church cookbooks have the best recipes. They always have a simple premise with a whole lot of flavor and the dessert section is no exception. I saw a… Continue Reading »

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