Just Jenn Recipes

Spam Musubi push-pops

**As featured in LA Times Food and OC Weekly’s “5 Great Things to Make with Spam

On a recent trip to the kitchen supply store I happened upon plastic push-up containers. I know that push-up cupcakes are all the rage now but I was just planning on just going old skool and filling them with frozen treats all summer. That is until I realized I could do so much more…

Hawaii peeps will see the fun in this, I took a spam musubi and put it in push-up form!

A fun, portable summer snack for the kids and the containers are washable and reusable so you know ice cream is still in our future!

1 can Spam
3 cups cooked rice
soy sauce
furikake rice seasoning {online here}
8-10 push-pop containers (online here)

Normally when I make spam musubi I cut it into 9 slices but for these I made them slightly thicker, so I got 8 slices out of one can.

Place the cut slices in a pan – drizzle with soy sauce, and sprinkle liberally with sugar. Turn over and do the same to the other side. NOW turn the pan on to medium high heat.

I like to cook it until the sugar gets good and caramelized and you get a nice sticky teriyaki color on the outside. Turn them to make sure the other side cooks the same. Take them out of the pan and set them aside.

A 1-1/2 inch biscuit cutter fits perfectly! Using that – cut out rounds from the spam.

For the layering, assemble your push-pop containers and using a small spoon add a little bit of rice in the bottom, then some furikake seasoning if you like.

Add a round of spam, more rice, more furikake then another round of spam.

Top if off with a little more rice and then you’re done!

Cap it and serve!

Spam Musubi push-pops



7 Responses to “Spam Musubi push-pops”

  1. Hilarious and tasty! I’m sure the kids loved these. You should make a taco one for O.G.

  2. LizA says:

    Man, I wish we were neighbors!

  3. jami says:

    You moved fast with the push pops! Like the idea for something savory.

  4. Kristy says:

    Love this idea! Maybe there’s a way to use the leftover spam pieces for something? Mmm… maybe you can fry quail eggs inside the holes for some spam, eggs and rice! YUM!

  5. neo says:

    Love it! Grew up eating Spam and it’s one of my favorites. Salty, savory goodness.

  6. lance says:

    Try a gotoborg sausage in place of the spam. Yum…

  7. Louisa says:

    Try it with Portuguese sausage very tasty
    Love it

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