Star Wars Chewbacca Smash Cakes
When you celebrate a first birthday it means your baby is celebrating their first precious moments, their year of life, and most importantly, their first time eating cake. Can you imagine the very first time you’re free to do whatever you want and someone puts a cake right in front of you? Of course you’re going to smash it! Thus, the baby’s first smash cake tradition was born.
My friend threw her kids The Best Star Wars Party in the Galaxy and I baked two little 4-inch smash cakes, made up to look like mini Chewbaccas. What better way to celebrate turning one than with wookiee cakes! The force is strong with these two.

Star Wars Chewbacca Smash Cakes
chocolate cake (recipe)
chocolate frosting
chocolate curls
brown sprinkles
chocolate brown icing
tiny white heart sprinkles
Bake the cake batter in small 4″ round cake pans.
Once cooled, frost with chocolate frosting, and press the chocolate curls all around the sides of the cakes.
Add the brown sprinkles to cover the top of the cake.
Using a #12 tip, pipe a stripe of chocolate icing diagonally across the heart.
Add tiny white heart sprinkles along both edges of the chocolate stripe to complete.
Adorable cakes! Did you see the news of a new Star Wars themed land at Disneyland? I am so excited for the cantina!