Sweet Cinnamon Crisps
Consider this the an adapted version of BUENELOS – fried tortillas in cinnamon and sugar. This is a healthier version, baked not fried and since the recipe is so easy, I got the kids to be my little sous chefs.
flour tortillas
cookie cutters
melted butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Set aside. Put the melted butter in another bowl.
On a cutting board, lay out the tortillas and cut out any shape you want. If you are boring, just cut them into triangles. BO-RING. (but it works too.)
Brush butter on the cut out tortilla, sprinkle with cinnamon mixture. Turn over and do the same. Lay them down on a prepped baking sheet. By prepped I mean with a silpat or a parchment liner.
Bake for 5 minutes, turn and bake another 5. That’s it. Super simple, very tasty. And fun for the kids, at that!
I love your web site – hope you don’t mind, I posted your cinnamon crisps on my blog of recipes with a hot link to yours.
omg i make these all the time and call them Mexican Sugar Cookies (because of the tortilla!)
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