Just Jenn Recipes

tiny Chocolate Ganache Apples on a stick

Caramel apples are so two-thousand-and-late, don’t you think? Not really, I love caramel but I wanted to come up with another take on dipped apples. Anything on a stick is fun – the tinier the apples the better!

6 ounces chocolate chips
2/3 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

tiniest apples you can find
lollipop sticks

Whenever I see tiny things I can’t help but buy them. I was at the Original Farmer’s Market on Fairfax heading out when this sign stopped me in my tracks:

Hold up. Those cherry-looking things are apples?!? YES. Crab-apples to be exact, but they were crazy sour. Instead I went for the lovely reddish-green lady apples next to them. I told the lady to give me the smalllllest ones in the baskets.

Now I’ve made chocolate dipped apples before (recipe, here), but these were SO small I knew I wanted to dip them and put them on sticks!

Wash the apples, and set them aside to fully dry. Your chocolate won’t stick otherwise.

Since eventually these are going to be put on a stick, I like to make a small hole in the bottom first, before I dunk them in a ganache bath. You can use a paring knife or even a drill if you’re Handy Manny like that. Once you’ve made the hole, set the apples aside.

Most people make fancy ganaches – but me – I use chocolate chips because it’s what I have, and heck, it tastes good. Ganache is simply: EASY. It comes together so quickly and tastes so amazing.

In a small saucepan over low to medium heat – combine the chocolate chips, heavy cream and the vanilla. When it starts to melt, work fast and whisk it together. Keep whisking while the chocolate keeps melting and magically in a matter of seconds you will have a beautiful silky ganache. Let cool slightly before you use it.

Is there anything more beautiful than a cup of ganache?

Take the apple by the stem and give ’em a little dunk. I like to leave some apple peeking out at the top because it looks nice and that way people know what they are eating too. Put the chocolate dipped apples to set on a piece of parchment paper.

Once the apples have set, carefully set them on their sticks.

Obviously the tinier the apple, the better this will look. They came out absolutely adorable – the kids loved them! A whole line up of these would be great for a party!

tiny Chocolate Ganache Apples on a stick



3 Responses to “tiny Chocolate Ganache Apples on a stick”

  1. kotomi says:

    OMG! These are so cute!! I feel the same way about miniature things. I’ve bought both the mini pineapple and the mini bananas just because they were cute and small. I think they may have cost more than the regular sized ones..

  2. Shawn says:

    These are too stinkin’ cute!! You have such a great eye for pictures too! I adore your blog! I hope you don’t mind but I nominated you for a “One Lovely Blog Award!” You can check out the details here:
    Keep the yummy treats coming!!

  3. maria says:

    Ithought I was the first to try this,guess othrs like choc too…cant wait to do this

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