Tips to survive Comic-Con
Con season is in full swing, which means comics, fun and friends! SDCC is in just one week (!) and I’ll be in my usual Small Press space N10 with lots of new products this year!
I’ve put together this list of provisions to truly prepare you for the Con. Pair this list with my guide to “Avoiding Comic-Con Flu” and @amy_geek‘s “How to Train for Comic Con” and you’ll be all set for a good time!
Refillable water bottle – $12
San Diego in the summer is no joke. It’s hot, almost sweltering at times and I’m talking INDOORS amongst 100,00 people. Heatstroke is possible and will hit you like a ton of bricks. You should keep hydrated at all times while trekking about. Am I likening comic con to going on safari? YES.
Bottled water is pricey, carrying your own container to refill not only saves you money but makes life easier. My favorites are the Nalgene bottles because of their leakproof lockable lids.
If you’ve never been to Comic Con, the stories are true – the lines are lllllong. You will be waiting hours to get into panels and signings so there isn’t always time to eat.
Bring a good supply of healthy snacks to keep your energy up. Packaged nuts, trail mix, geeky cookies, granola bars anything you can stash in your bag that won’t get smushed and most important: NO CHOCOLATE. It will melt in the San Diego heat and no one needs that mess.
Paper towels
What. Whether you bring them from home or take them from the bathroom in the exhibit hall, a stack of paper towels is sure to save you.
Not only will they clean up possible messes, but you can use them as a pillow for when you’re camping out for Hall H. Or if you’re really bored you can make a voodoo doll out of them.
A good book
You will be waiting and waiting…You’ll need to keep yourself entertained while standing, sitting, crawling in line. A good book is a great companion.
Need to get into that Con mood? One Con Glory by Sarah Kuhn has so many geek details it will make your heart soar. Keep it with you in book or kindle form.
A poster tube – $20
Hey, you know what’s annoying? When you pick up all that free swag and it gets bent corners, tears, rips. Also annoying? Following behind you while you try and carry all those free posters and walk amongst 120,000 people. If you plan on buying art or picking up swag – bring a poster tube.
Hand Sanitizer – $5
Purell, always Purell. Before, during and after. It will save your life and you will escape without Con Flu. These hand sanitizing wipes are great because you can throw them in your bag and keep on movin’.
Phone Battery: Mophie or Trent
One of the most important items for SDCC is your phone. It is your tracker, your gps, your camera, you walkie talkie. Without it you would be lost at con. But outlets are few and far between and who has time to sit and wait when there are panels to attend?? That’s where a Mophie comes in. A Mophie is a portable battery that you just attach to the phone and it will give you a whole new charge! It’s a lifesaver!
However, if you work at Comic Con i.e. use your phone for sales, to record interviews, take notes for your publications – then it’s time to take the leap one…step…further. That’s right, this year I went for the Trent. A Trent has dual ports and can charge TWO battery lives in lightening fast time. Do I use up that much battery at Con? You better believe it. I’ve gone through up to three battery cycles a day before. The Trent is a must for the phone-addicted, er – I mean workaholic.
Pain Reliever
Let’s face it, Con is fun but exhausting. You WILL be in pain. Whether it’s a headache, backache or chronic tell-tale Friday foot pain (you still have two more days!) Having relief on hand is always helpful. Again, packets will save you from things rattling around in your bag.
This list isn’t scaring you…is it?? Don’t worry, Comic Con is fun and exciting but like all great adventures, you must be prepared. Good luck!
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