Just Jenn Recipes

Understanding Comics Cake for Scott McCloud

Comics and cake, two things I strongly love. Recently I was asked to make a SURPRISE birthday cake for Scott McCloud, author of the highly praised “UNDERSTANDING COMICS.” The request was for a “simple looking frosted-chocolate cake.”

The cake was to say “UNDERSTANDING FIFTY,” as it was his fiftieth birthday and a play on “UNDERSTANDING COMICS.” The rest of the cake was to have an image off of his follow-up book, Reinventing Comics. See that TINY image on the left of a hand with a quill? Yep, that’s the one.

While this cake looks simple I assure you, the simplest things take a lot of planning. Using a template and some practiced hand piping and a simple cake can be stunning!

Understanding Comics Cake for Scott McCloud

Understanding Comics Cake for Scott McCloud


frosted cake
white icing


I started by thumbnail sketching out ideas then finalized my design on the computer. I decided on a template for the letters and that I would draw the image by hand in frosting. I printed out my design on the computer and cut the letters out to form the template.

Once the fondant is rolled out I overlaid the template and here’s where my Architecture degree pays off, I used a clean x-acto and cut out the lettering by hand, shaping each fondant letter on it’s own.

Using a #5 tip and white icing, I piped the hand and quill image just below the text.

Understanding Comics Cake prep

12 Responses to “Understanding Comics Cake for Scott McCloud”

  1. Our Man Horn says:

    You’re unbelievable.


  2. Our Man Horn says:

    Well, there were supposed to be little coding brackets like this {andrewdiceclay} AOWW! {/andrewdiceclay} but Blogger thought it was real coding. >sigh<

  3. As delicious as it was beautiful!!

    Thanks for creating such a great cake. ^__^

  4. jami says:

    Looks great! The simple things are quite often hardest, I agree!

  5. josh says:

    Ok, this is just a weird merging of worlds. I’m a huge fan of both of you!

  6. LizAnderson says:

    Stupidity For The Win!

    It’s a lovely cake. Cheers to your abilities.

  7. Lorena says:

    I’m agreeing with Josh — it’s like a “when worlds collide” thing for me. Big fan of both of you and so glad to see comics and cake come together in truly delicious style. Yum!

  8. Kurt Busiek says:

    The cake was delicious, as well as gorgeous!


  9. Kris Straub says:

    Does it come with infinite frosting? Or microsprinkles?

  10. Rick Griffin says:

    The cake originated in pre-historic times; a caveman’s options were survival, reproduction, or cake. Proto-cake was more like mud however, and was refined as time went on into various disciplines of sweet-making. The combination of cake and frosting was considered for a long time to be uncouth and not befitting the professional chef, although we can plainly see frosting-like elements in many periods of cake history. Calling it frosting is certainly not going to impress a culinary connoisseur, however!

  11. Totally amazing with a capital A.

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