Just Jenn Recipes

Vanilla Mochi Donuts

Mochi is a major ingredient in my life, and this flavorful dessert combines my two loves, mochi and donuts.

I came up with this recipe for Vanilla Mochi Donuts to enter the Spice Islands Vanilla Challenge and I was one of the three finalists! My prize? A YEAR’S supply of vanilla! Um…it lasted three months. I bake a lot.

Wanting to bring out the best of the ingredients, I used not only vanilla extract but vanilla sugar. Is there anything more satisfying than a piece of fried dough covered in sugar? I think not. Add mochiko and vanilla into the mix and you’ve got the perfect combination!

Vanilla Mochi-Donuts
(photo by Matt Armendariz)

Vanilla Mochi Donuts


2 cups mochiko (sweet rice flour)
2 cups flour
1-1/2 cups vanilla sugar
4 Tablespoons baking powder
1-1/2 cups whole milk
3 eggs
2 teaspoons Spice Islands Vanilla Extract
oil (for frying)
1/2 cup vanilla sugar


To make vanilla sugar, scrape and bury a vanilla bean into two cups of sugar. Keep in an airtight container until you are ready to use.

Heat the oil in your deep fryer or a skillet over the stove. The optimum oil temp for these is around 350 degrees.

In a large bowl whisk together mochiko, flour, sugar and baking powder.

Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and mix in the milk, eggs and vanilla until just combined.

When the oil is ready, drop the dough by the Tablespoon into the hot oil. These expand a lot so a Tablespoon is just the right amount. The mochiko makes the batter very sticky, so round shapes are a little tricky on the first try.

Once the dough floats, fry for a few minutes on each side until golden brown. Let drain slightly on a wire rack and while the donuts are still hot, roll in the vanilla sugar mixture. Serve immediately.

13 Responses to “Vanilla Mochi Donuts”

  1. michelle says:

    congrats!!! and these look so yum….been meaning to try making mochi soon, will need to use one of your recipes!

  2. Congratulations!!! These were awesome donuts and everyone should make them. 🙂

  3. Laura says:

    Congratulations! Those look so delicious. Your recipes are so creative!

  4. briarrose says:

    These look perfect!

  5. Michelle says:

    Hooray!! Congrats!!

  6. Brittany says:

    This is such a unique recipe! I really like mochi, and in a doughnut it would be very special. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to seeing more of your recipes throughout 2011

  7. Misti says:

    I love all your mochi based recipes and was looking forward to trying some of the more unusal ones such as these when I purchased what I thought was a bag of mochi flour online. What arrived was sweet rice in its raw grain form. Do you have any ideas/recipes for this?

  8. Congrats! I’m definitely bookmarking this for later.

  9. justJENN says:

    @Misti Aw, man! Well, you can make Mochi Rice meatballs with it! https://justjennrecipes.com/mochi-rice-meatballs/2010/01/26/

  10. Kat says:

    i’m a little confused about the vanilla bean. what do you mean by scrape and bury?

  11. justJENN says:

    Cut the bean in half, scrape out the insides, bury it in the sugar.

  12. carly says:

    these were tasty …but i couldnt manage to make them into a nice shape. I used coconut oil to fry them, dont know if that made a difference. next time i will try regular oil to see if it did.

  13. Amber says:

    Goodness! These turned out amazing! And make a very sizeable batch! We’ll be having breakfast goodies for a few days (and some of my coworkers will share in the bounty as well :D) I love finding new things to use mochiko with. Thanks for sharing the recipe! And also, congrats!

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