Just Jenn Recipes

Veggie Roll Ups

The Kid insisted we sign up for a one day Parent/Child cooking class at school. It was mostly nutrition and assembly, frankly he’s done more sous chef-ing on his own at home, but he loved it and he immediately wanted to show the Baby what we had made.

These are very simple veggie rolls, mostly using what was in my pantry, but they are easily adaptable and so easy for kids to put together themselves.

cream cheese
shredded carrots
sliced tomatoes
sliced bell peppers
Sliced cucumbers

Spread the tortilla with either hummus or cream cheese (or both).

Layer in the veggies.

Roll from one end, tightly. Poke with a toothpick for support and cut in half.

The kids had so much fun making their own dinner and the Kid who just loves vegetables thought these were the best things ever. However…the Baby refused to eat it unless I threw some ham in there. So veggie – not quite, but still delicious!

Veggie Roll Ups



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