Just Jenn Recipes

Weeping Angel cookies

I’m a big fan of Doctor Who, dating back to the old days when I used to watch Tom Baker when they aired episodes on public access. As to which Doctor is my favorite now? Well it depends on the day of the week really. It’s Tennant. No Matt Smith. No. Hm.

Most Doctor Who fans will agree one of the best/scariest episodes is ‘Blink’, featuring the Weeping Angels. I mean, statues that kill you when you close your eyes?? I’ll never look at stone the same again. So why not make them into sweet, delicious cookies? <<< Things I say to myself way too often. The trick with these was to get the look of stone without frosting the cookies. I'm not a big fan of frosted cookies, they’re beautiful, I love eating them – but most people don’t want to spend the time making them.

So I’m always trying to come up with easier, more creative ways to make decorative cookies. The first step of course is to buy these AMAZING Weeping Angel cookie cutters from WarpZone.

I promise these look like stone but taste a whole lot better! However, I do NOT promise that they won’t kill you when you’re not looking. Yikes.

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Weeping Angel cookies


3 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
Super Black food gel dye


In a medium bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.

In the bowl of an electric mixer cream the butter and sugar until combined. Add the egg and vanilla.

Now here’s where the magic happens, slowly add in the flour until it’s crumbly. Then add just 1 – 2 drops of Super Black food gel dye. By adding this after the dough is almost done you will get a grayed marble effect.

Beat the mixture together a bit more, just until the dough comes together and looks almost like Bleu Cheese. Don’t mix too far, you will be rolling this out later which will mix it even more. You don’t want all gray dough.

Separate the dough into two and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill in the fridge.

When you are ready to make cookies preheat the oven to 350 degrees and prep cookie sheets with silpats.

Roll out the dough to 3/8″ thick. You want to make it thick enough to get all of the impressions to show through.

Also this particular cutter needs a little help, so dip it in flour before you press it into the dough. It will keep it from sticking.

Move the cookies to the prepped cookie sheets and bake for 10 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.

8 Responses to “Weeping Angel cookies”

  1. Celina says:

    Can I just say thanks for the WarpZone link? Except I’m gonna go broke.
    I don’t mind a plain frosted cookie but yeah, elaborate icing is so NOT me.

  2. miss mochi says:

    I second Celina. I clicked on that link and squealed in nerdy joy. Royal Icing designs can be such a pain.

  3. Janis says:

    Where did you get that amazing cookie cutter?

  4. Moe says:

    These should cause nightmares for my 55 year old husband! Thank you!

  5. DKB says:

    I was really excited to make these, my cutter arrive this week. I had two slight problems:

    Your dough looks a lot darker than mine. I used 2 drops of the gel but mine are nowhere near as dark. They look more like normal sugar cookies.

    Also, I had to keep the dough really, really cold. I did as you suggest, I used flour to keep the cutter from sticking, but still it was hard to keep from tearing the heads.

    I’m going to try again.

  6. JaneLochSkye says:

    Love the animated gif at the bottom too. It actually made me LOL. 🙂
    <3 <3

  7. Julie says:

    Just made these for a Comic-Con party and they turned out great! I’m so impressed with your recipes! The marbling effect was a great idea.

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