Just Jenn Recipes

WWYE: end of the year

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year. As Kindergarten starts to wind down, it is bittersweet. I am glad the Kid is growing up, but sad at the same time.

But the Baby starts school next year too, so now I’ll be really busy making school lunches – IF they still want them. I hope so ’cause I’ve seen the cafeterias lunches and…no thanks. Goodbye Yoda – see you in First Grade…

Over this school year there have been a lot of WWYE lunches, here are a few favorites:

Domo Meatloaf:

Homemade Tater Tots:

Goldfish Mac n’ Cheese:

Kalbi ribs:

WWYE: end of the year



One Response to “WWYE: end of the year”

  1. Angie says:

    Did you see that Williams-Sonoma now has Star Wars cookie cutters and pancake molds? Will Yoda make as many appearances as Hello Kitty?


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