Just Jenn Recipes

WWYE: What Would Yoda Eat? – Ham & Homemade Tater Tots

So – the Kid is being bullied. Ok, maybe that’s a harsh term, but let’s just say…people are stealing his lunch! Apparently the things I send him off with look too good since kids try to eat his lunch regularly. And it’s not just the kids, it’s the teacher too! One of his daycare teachers ASKS him for his food AND eats it. Not cool. Listen, the Kid is mini, he needs all the nutrients he can get.

I don’t make him those super cute bentos, but I do try to send him off with GOOD tasting food. Too good, I guess? Now it’s backfiring. Looks like he’s going to have to eat liverwurst for lunch from now on…

Brown Sugar Ham Steak recipe, here.
Homemade Tater Tots recipe, here.

WWYE: What Would Yoda Eat? – Ham & Homemade Tater Tots



2 Responses to “WWYE: What Would Yoda Eat? – Ham & Homemade Tater Tots”

  1. LizAnderson says:

    You’ve got TEACHERS mooching off your wee one? Oh – heck – no! There’s no excusing that, ever. Not to mention – how UNprofessional. I’m kerfluffled, I tell you! Report that person to the higher ups.

    No child should have to feel like they need to share their meal with an “adult’ (and I use that term loosely here). Not only is it a form of bullying, but I’m wondering if that’s abuse of a child by a Person of Trust. Scary.

    Nice lunch, tho. Homemade tater tots makes you a rockstar!

  2. Nancy says:

    Long time reader, first time caller. All I have to say is ARE YOU SERIOUS? If I were you I would be reporting that teacher IMMEDIATELY. That is completely unacceptable no matter which way you look at it. I was completely shocked when I read your post today. Whoever that teacher answers to needs to know and that teacher should be properly reprimanded. Taking food from a child is just disgusting.

    But, yes, Yay tator tots!

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